Agenda item
Serious Violence Duty
Councillor Haydon (Cabinet Member for Community Safety, Libraries, Cemeteries and Crematoria) introduced the report and highlighted the following points:
a) In order to prevent serious violence in the city the following works had been implemented:
Plymouth City Council worked with vulnerable victims to offer
support of safe housing;
Devon and Cornwall Police had worked in significant hotspot areas
to reduce crime and provide reassurance;
By-standing training had been offered to help people understand
safety challenged poor behaviour;
Youth Justice mentoring had taken place with children who were at
risk of being drawn into crime;
v. Anti-social behaviour specialists worked in schools to educate children as to what healthy relationships look like;
The assessment showed that different communities were impacted
differently by violence;
Plymouth City Council and Partners would work together to address
issues at a local level which would include focusing on
understanding people who cause harm in the community;
Learning from the impact of what had been undertaken would be used
to shape the future of the service.
Tracey Naismith (Community Connections Strategic Manager) added:
Draft terms of references had been agreed to lay out what the
relation with the police and crime commissioners office would look
Terms of reference would be agreed by the end of January 2024 with
a view to receive £150,000 in funding for 12 months from the
Home Office;
The national indicators for serious violent reduction include:
hospital admissions for assaults with knives and sharp objects,
reduction of knife and sharp objects enabled serious violence
recorded by the police and homicides recorded by the
The local indications for serious violence were tailored to
Plymouth and included: reduction in the numbers of recorded violent
crimes, reduction of the number of young people going into the
criminal justice system, a reduction of those who reoffend, and a
reduction of school exclusions,
absences and 16 – 17 year olds not in education;
Public consultations with diverse communities would take place in
the next 18 months.
In response to questions, it was explained:
Although Plymouth had the lowest rate of overall crime compared to
similar family groups, Plymouth was second in examples of violence
that include injury and sexual offences;
k) The Safer Plymouth Chair had met with the courts to better understand sentencing and delays in sentencing.
The Leader proposed additional recommendations which were seconded by Councillor Penberthy –
1. That an action plan for Plymouth City Council would be created;
That support be provided to representatives of the
Police and Crime Panel and Safer Plymouth in questioning the
OPCC’s priorities and funding;
That the Performance, Finance and Customer
Experience Overview and Scrutiny Committee would increase their
role as a crime and disorder panel in holding Safer Plymouth to
Cabinet agreed to:
Endorse the Safer Plymouth model for violence
preventing in Plymouth and strategic needs assessment;
2. That an action plan for Plymouth City Council would be created;
That support be provided to representatives of the
Police and Crime Panel and Safer Plymouth in questioning the
OPCC’s priorities and funding;
4. That the Performance, Finance and Customer Experience Overview and Scrutiny Committee would increase their role as a crime and disorder panel in holding Safer Plymouth to account;
Supporting documents:
Cabinet Serious Violence Duty, item 79.
PDF 172 KB
Serious Violence Response Strategy for Cabinet 30 11 23, item 79.
PDF 531 KB
SV SNA 30 11 23 FINAL, item 79.