Agenda item

Vaping Working Group, Progress Update

To receive an update on the progress and plans of the Vaping Working Group.


Dave Schwartz (Public Health Specialist) delivered a verbal update to the Board regarding the Vaping Working Group, and discussed-


a)     The H&WB had updated its Vaping Position Statement on 14 September 2023;


b)    There had been a notable increase in vaping uptake amongst children and young people. The Board had requested that a Working Group was established with key partners in the city, to examine prevention and response approaches;


c)     Disposable vapes were particularly prominent amongst young people;


d)    An agenda scoping meeting had taken place on 02 January 2023;


e)     Key areas for consideration included: regulation, enforcement, environmental issues, marketing, schools, and health;


f)      Government vaping policy was under consideration, and was expected to change shortly;


g)     The working group would be held in the new municipal year, and a report brought back to this Board.


The Board agreed-


1.     To receive an update paper following the Vaping Working Group in the new municipal year.