Agenda item

Update from NHS Devon

To receive an update from NHS Devon, as of January 2024.


Chris Morley (NHS Devon ICB) delivered an update on behalf of NHS Devon, and discussed-


a)     While it had been expected that hospitals nationally would face significant winter pressures, this increased demand had coincided with industrial action. As a result, University Hospitals Plymouth (UHP) had entered a period of ‘critical incident’;


b)    Through the joint work and preparation undertaken, there had been significant improvements to discharge performance at UHP;


c)     Numerous initiatives had been introduced to increase capacity including Virtual Wards, and the Acute Respiratory Infection Service.


In response to questions, the Board discussed-


d)    Significant delays to 111 and out of hours care, as well as ambulance response times;


e)     The metrics used to assess performance of the delivery of primary care;


f)      Significant variation in the working practises of GP surgeries across the city;


g)     National recognition of the importance of Primary Care and out of hours services in alleviating demand at ED, as well as for early prevention and intervention.


The Committee agreed-


1.     To request that future reports contain updates regarding dentistry;


2.     To request further information regarding the performance of the 111 service;


3.     To note the report.



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