Agenda item
Suicide Prevention in Plymouth
Kamal Patel (Public Health Specialty Registrar) and Jane Marley (Public Health Specialist) delivered the Suicide Prevention in Plymouth report to the Board and discussed:
a) The new national strategy for Suicide Prevention 2023-2028;
b) The risk factors contributing to suicide, and the effect on individuals and communities;
c) The complexity and broad nature of Suicide Prevention;
d) The benefits of openly talking about suicide;
e) Nationally, suicide rates were not falling, and remained the largest killer of people under 35, and a leading cause of death for men under 50;
f) Self harm and suicide rates for people under 25 had been increasing;
g) Historic patterns in suicide data;
h) Priority groups, common risk factors, and resulting actions identified in the national strategy;
i) Plymouth experienced around 24 deaths by suicide each year;
j) Delays in the reporting and recording of suicide deaths due to the Coroner’s Inquest process. These delays were exacerbated during the Covid-19 Pandemic;
k) Plymouth’s suicide rates were currently marginally below the South West and national average;
l) The role of the Plymouth Suicide Prevention Strategic Partnership in developing and delivering the Suicide Prevention Strategic Action Plan;
m) The availability and activity of suicide bereavement support services;
n) The importance of city-wide suicide prevention and awareness training.
In response to questions, the Board discussed:
o) The importance of support and clear communication for those affected by a suicide bereavement, particularly during the Coroner’s process. Data had shown that those affected by suicide bereavements were more likely to also die by suicide;
p) Nationally, service personnel were not considered a ‘priority group’ in the Suicide Prevention strategy however, Plymouth had included service personnel in the action plan locally.
The Board agreed:
1. To recommend that Councillors were provided suicide prevention and awareness training, as well as emergency support contact details;
2. To note and accept the latest Suicide Audit report;
3. To review, feedback and comment on the Suicide Prevention Action Plan for 2024-25;
4. To delegate to the Chair of the Health and Wellbeing Board, authority to sign off the Suicide Prevention Action Plan for 2024-25, following amendments;
5. To add Suicide Prevention as a standing item on this Board’s work programme.
Supporting documents:
- Committee Report - Suicide Prevention, item 74. PDF 159 KB
- Suicide Prevention Briefing Paper, item 74. PDF 369 KB
- Plymouth Suicide Audit Summary 2020-2022, item 74. PDF 241 KB
- Plymouth Suicide Prevention Strategic Action Plan 2024-25, item 74. PDF 332 KB
- Suicide Prevention - Presentation, item 74. PDF 939 KB