Agenda item

NHS Devon Joint Forward Plan Refresh


Jon Taylor (NHS Devon ICB) delivered the NHS Devon Joint Forward Plan refresh to the Board, and discussed:


a)    Integrated Care Boards and partners were required to publish a refreshed Joint Forward Plan at the beginning of each financial year;


b)    The final version of the JFP would be presented to the NHS Devon Board for approval later in the month, following consultations;


c)    There were no significant material changes to the version of the plan before the Board today, and the original plan published in 2023;


d)    There had been changes to the structure and presentation of the plan, in response to feedback received over the past 12 months;


e)    The refreshed plan was structured around three themes:


i.              Healthy people

ii.             Healthy and safe communities;

iii.            Healthy system;


f)     An evaluation section had been included in the revised plan, incorporating the key achievements from 2023;


g)    More detail had also been included around delivery of the plan, in response to feedback.


In response to questions, the Board discussed:


h)    The plan set out the vision and direction of ambitions for the system however, there remained challenges for the practical delivery of all ambitions.


The Board agreed:


1.    To endorse the plan and assure that it takes into account the current health and wellbeing strategy for Plymouth;


2.    To delegate to the Chair of the Health and Wellbeing Board authority to provide comment and feedback to the ICB to support the plan’s ongoing development.

Supporting documents: