Agenda item
Welcome (Chair)
Chair welcomed the following new SACRE members and informed that Ben Kerr (Humanist UK rep) has recently resigned.
Dr Ian Jamison – DIJ has been involved in RE teaching and leadership since 1991. His departments have been recognised as successful examples of best practice. He has written text books, worked as an examiner, as well as representing the Pagan Federation on Devon SACRE. He has also worked on a global dialogue programme - connecting young people for meaningful dialogue on issues of belief and identity across 30 countries. He is currently teaching RE at Plympton Academy.
Jasmin Rhead – JR has taught and led RE for 14 years and is the head of Global Studies at All Saints Academy in Plymouth and the Lead Teach Learn RE secondary hub leader for Plymouth.
Muhunthiny Sivasothy – MS is a Hindu representative and a businesswoman, originally from Sri Lanka and has experience of giving talks on Hindu religion in schools via PCFCD. MS has also undertaken SACRE related training recently.
Bhai Gurmit Singh – BGS is a retired civil servant and chair of Sikh Community Devon & Cornwall. He has previously been a member and chair of the equality & diversity committees in the Civil service along with being a school governor, faith speaker and REC committee member. He is a police diversity and interfaith contact and SACRE committee member for Devon. BGS has also been very active with refugees, local community and overseas workers/ students in his advisory, support and advocacy roles.
Arezoo Farahzad – AF represents the Bahá'i Community of Plymouth and is also chair of trustees for Plymouth Centre for Faiths and Cultural Diversity (PCFCD). In her PCFCD capacity, she collaborates with Sara Wells (Centre Manager), Councillor Sue Dann (fellow Trustee), Dr Judith Beckman and Deborah Temple (Faith Speakers) and Professor David Salter (Voluntary Trustee).
Deborah Temple – DT is a committee member and trustee of Plymouth Hebrew Congregation (The Plymouth Synagogue).For almost five years, DT has been visiting primary schools in the City and surrounding areas, giving talks on Judaism.
Kerry Wardle – KW is joint head of religious studies at Devonport High School for Boys and has been teaching RE there for the last 22 years.
Father David Bailey – FDB is a Parish priest in Honicknowle and school governor at Knowle’s Primary School and Shakespeare Primary School. He has been involved in education at various levels from a Christian Church based point of view. During most of his ministry, which is over 40 years now he has enjoyed supporting schools in collective worship, conducting assemblies and supporting religious education.
SACRE members unanimously accepted DT as a co-opted member representing Jewish Community.
EP elaborated on the role of SACRE as a plural body, which represents diversity in all sorts of areas, hence the recent membership drive from various groups taking place. EP also highlighted that nationally, there is a crisis going on about Interfaith Network and it is due to close next month after losing government funding. EP commended SACRE and its breadth, and urged to keep it strong locally. He further stressed that SACRE has a wider role than its role within schools.