Agenda item

Questions from Members of the Public


There were four questions from members of the public:


Question (D. Hoskin):

I thank the Joint Committee for their forward thinking, through the Dartmoor ponies being at Rame Head (for generations now!), for their breeds preservation, and the thriving of natural growth of wild flowers, increasing wildlife, through grazing. They’ve been a treasured part of the enriched landscape. When will they return?



Thank you for your question.

The Mount Edgcumbe Country Park team and Joint Committee believe that grazing ponies at Rame Head is the most appropriate form of conservation for the important Rame Head SSSI. 

The responsibility for the management of the SSSI habitat at Rame Head rests with any occupier (tenant) of the land. MECP has requested the restoration of appropriate grazing at the site as soon as possible to ensure appropriate long-term habitat management, and will continue to negotiate for this.


Natural England has been made aware of the removal of the ponies. As the body responsible for designating and monitoring SSSIs, they can be contacted at: ‘’




Question (L. Reid):

Considering Mount Edgcumbe Country Park is a Grade 1 Park and Garden (the highest possible protection for heritage assets and outstanding significance), is owned by public bodies, was purchased using public monies, and is accessible to the public, what are the ME Joint Committee’s routes of accountability to the public?



Thank you for your question.


The Mount Edgcumbe Joint Committee is a Joint Committee of the Cabinets of Plymouth and Cornwall Councils. The Joint Committee operates under the regulations of the 1972 and 1985 Local Government Acts, as amended by Localism Act 2011. As such, every committee meeting is open to the public, and receives published agendas and minutes (except for a minority of confidential items of business). Members of the public are also able to submit public questions to the Joint Committee and receive an answer at public meetings.


Under this structure, the Mount Edgcumbe Joint Committee is directly accountable to the Cabinets of each Council (Plymouth and Cornwall). The Joint Committee is also overseen by the relevant Cabinet member form each Council, who holds portfolio responsibility for Mount Edgcumbe. Members of the public are able to engage with these cabinet members directly, and ask public questions at Cabinet, and Council meetings. Councillors and the Executive (Cabinet) are accountable to their electorate, and are held to account through voting in elections. Other routes of accountability across the Councils include direct contact with Councillors/Officers, petitions, and pressure groups.


As agreed at the last meeting, the Terms of Reference for the Joint Committee are currently being updated to enhance governance and accountability. The inclusion of the Conservation Management Plan will enable the Joint Committee to better scrutinise and assess the performance of the Park, and will require the Cabinets of Plymouth and Cornwall to consider and approve the plan in 5 yearly review cycles. The plans are also undergoing a robust period of public consultation prior to implementation.


The Mount Edgcumbe Joint Committee is proud that the Mount Edgcumbe Country Park is a Grade 1 Park and Garden, offering free public entry to around 250,000 visitors per year, including 8,000 school children. The Park has attained the Trip Advisors ‘Travellers Choice award for three consecutive years, placing it in the top 10% of the world’s attractions.




Question (M. Cross):

Has the Joint Committee considered how the recommendations of the Conservation Management Plan now being prepared will be funded?



Thank you for your question.

The Strategic Management and Development Plan (Conservation Management Plan) will enable the Joint Committee and operational team to better analyse and assess the Park’s varying needs and demands in terms of maintaining and enhancing the historic and environmental assets of this important listed landscape, against available funding streams. This will enhance the prioritisation of works and projects, as well as long-term planning and monitoring of performance.


As the plan is still in development and public consultation is currently underway, the Joint Committee is unable to assess the full extent of needs and funding (both revenue and capital) required at this time. However, costs will be met though the standard budget procedure for MECP: The Park is expected to operate a Net-Zero, self-sufficient budget (on current annual operating costs of c1m), and any remaining ‘overspend’ is split equally between Plymouth and Cornwall Councils. The Joint Committee must ensure that value for money is achieved with public funds.


Over recent years, the Park management team has achieved great successes at attracting and maximising income streams to meet Park revenue and capital demands. However, the Committee recognises that not all items highlighted on the management/conservation plans will be achievable in the short term, unless additional funding becomes available. Sourcing additional external funding continues to be a high priority for the Park, with approximately £1.4 million secured this year alone, and the Joint Committee will assess available resources against Park needs once the new plan is agreed.




Question (T. Steenhagen)

According to its own constitution the Joint Committee is responsible to “carry out an

appropriate inspection of the house and country park on an annual basis”. Where can I

find the annual reports that cover these inspections for the last 5 years, including its

conclusions and recommendations?



Thank you for your question. 


The Joint Committee does indeed conduct an annual inspection of the Park, as per its Terms of Reference. This is usually conducted on the first meeting of each Municipal Year. The annual inspection for the municipal year 2024/25 will be conducted after the meeting today.  


The only exception to this was the inspection scheduled for 20 November 2020. Due to the Covid-19 restrictions, a park inspection by Committee members was not possible. As there was a constitutional requirement for an annual inspection to take place, the Joint Committee delegated the undertaking of an appropriate inspection to officers. 


During the annual inspection, Joint Committee members are invited to view the latest developments within the park, such as new house displays, renovations, and developments. At the annual inspection 2023/24, members were invited to view new displays within the House, as well as the Garden Battery developments due to its successful Heritage Lottery Funding.


As the inspection takes place following the close of a meeting, there are no documents available detailing the Committee’s inspection, nor is there a requirement for this stated within the Terms of Reference. Any observations from this inspection are brought back to the next meeting verbally, or communicated to officers for further action.