Agenda item
NHS End of Life Care
Councillor Aspinall (Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care) introduced the item and highlighted the following points:
In response to concerns around End of Life Care
performance in Plymouth, as well as statistically higher hospital
deaths at University Hospital’s Plymouth (UHP) than national
averages, the Health and Adult Social Care Overview and Scrutiny
Committee (H&ASC OSC) considered End of Life Care at the end of
the last municipal year;
A key priority for the Labour Administration was
better access to healthcare across the course of a person’s
life, and therefore Cabinet were made aware of the recommendations
to the Local Health Services to help improve the support for those
nearing their end of life;
It was critically important that people were
supported, particularly around quality of life, ensuring that good
symptom management delivered comfort, maintained dignity and
allowed people to live as fully as possible until their
There should have been a personalised approach where
healthcare Professionals collaborated with the person, their family
and loved ones, to make informed decisions about their care
Holistic care should have been addressed physically,
emotionally, socially and spiritually;
By treating the needs of the person and not just
their illness, it provided comprehensive support throughout their
sensitive time;
The H&ASC OSC made a number of recommendation to
Health Partners reflecting the above;
The proposal of the following:
i) Cabinet recognised the importance of End of Life Care for the
citizens of Plymouth and thanked the Scrutiny Committee for their
diligent work;
ii) Cabinet endorsed further review at H&ASC OSC of the
Improvement Plan being undertaken by the NHS and Partners in
relation to End of Life provision and the consideration of any
further recommendations that the Committee deem appropriate;
iii) Cabinet noted the Cabinet Member response to Appendix
Councillor Penberthy (Cabinet Member for
Housing, Co-Operative Development and Community) added:
Plan for Homes 1, 2, 3 and 4 had been concerned
about ensuring that that there was adequate housing provision for
everyone who needed housing in the city;
This was also reflected in the Joint Local
This meant specialist housing would have to be
provided for those with specialist conditions, including End of
Life conditions;
l) Councillor Aspinall would work closely with officers in Adult Social Care to ensure the Service Director for Community Connections had all of the evidence necessary to build a strong Housing Needs Assessment. This would ensure there was the appropriate provision for people with health needs, people with disabilities and people receiving End of Life Care.
Gary Walbridge (Interim Strategic Director for
Adults, Health and Communities) added:
m) The H&ASC OSC was powerful and gave people a chance to discuss the choices they would make in terms of End of Life Care and gave credence to talking about End of Life Care as early as possible to reduce the stigma around it.
Cabinet agreed to the following recommendations:
That the Cabinet recognised the importance of End of
Life Care for the citizens of Plymouth, and thanked the Scrutiny
Committee for its diligent work;
2. That the Cabinet endorsed further review at Scrutiny of the improvement plan being undertaken by the NHS and partners in relation to End of Life provision and the consideration of any further recommendations that the Committee deems appropriate;
3. That the Cabinet noted the Cabinet Member response at appendix two.?
Supporting documents:
- Restricted enclosure
- Cabinet End of Life Recs Cover Sheet Draft, item 5. PDF 177 KB
- Cabinet Response to End of Life Care, item 5. PDF 95 KB