Agenda item

Response to Foster Carer Recommendations


Councillor Laing (Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Children’s Social Care, Culture and Communications) introduced the item and highlighted the following points:

a)    Recruiting, supporting and retaining Foster Carers for Plymouth children in Plymouth City Council’s (PCC) care was a key priority for the Administration;

b)    When a child did need to be in PCC’s care, the goal was to have them live in a family setting that enabled them to still be connected to their families, schools and communities;

c)    The budget for 2024/25 increased the budget for the range of measures that supported Foster Carers, including an improved financial package;

d)    Following the Foster Care Summit and further consultation with Foster Carers, the report set out how the allowances had been improved for Fosters Carers that included a 6% uplift in allowances and a Council Tax Allowance;

e)    Foster Carers continued to collaborate with PCC to co-design the support and retention measures and would provide opportunities where Foster Carers, social workers and the wider professional network could come together and share their views, ideas and learn together;

f)     Foster Carers were an invaluable asset to Plymouth and the measures would help PCC to provide the absolute best care for the children who cannot remain with their families.


David Haley (Director for Children’s Services) added:

g)    The tremendous work that PCC Foster Carers do for Plymouth, children and young people was acknowledged;

h)    The report, and the Summit, demonstrated that PCC had listened to the Foster Carers about what would make a difference in helping them to care for the children and the first element of that was financial;

i)     There was further work being done with the Foster Carers to ensure that the right support package was put in place;

j)     Decisions were made with Foster Carers to ensure future implementations aligned with their needs.


In response to questions, it was explained:

k)    There was now a regional approach to recruitment as part of the Department for Education (DFE) funded programme, and early signed were encouraging in terms of Foster Carer enquiries;

l)      Retention levels were also key, as well as understanding why Foster Carers may leave to go to independent fostering agencies or give up fostering altogether.


Cabinet agreed to the following recommendations:


1. To note the content of the report and the work undertaken to support Plymouth City Council’s Foster Carers; 

2. To endorse a new foster carers financial package that includes a Council Tax Allowance within the agreed 2024/25 financial envelope;  

3. To note the annual uplift to the Fostering Allowances since 01 April 2024, of 6% (including the new reward payment) and the commitment to continued annual reviews of allowances in line with the financial year; 

4. To note the uplift in Festival, Birthday and Holiday Allowances since 01 April 2024;  

5. To note the work being undertaken in Phase two, to co-design the support and retention offer to Plymouth City Council’s Foster Carers;  

6. To endorse the co-design of the support and retention offer. 


Supporting documents: