Agenda item
NHS Devon Update
Nicola Jones (NHS Devon ICB) delivered the NHS Devon ICB Update to the Board, and discussed:
a) Changes to Key Officer Posts including the retirement of Dr Nigel Acheson as Chief Medical Officer (NHS Devon ICB) and upcoming appointment of Dr Peter Collins to the role;
b) Performance of the 111 service;
c) Covid-19, including a new vaccination campaign;
d) The commencement of a Devon Perinatal Pelvic Health Service;
e) The extension of the Falls Management Exercise Programme;
f) Re-procurement of Hospital Discharge Support Service;
g) Continuing multi-agency efforts to improve access to dentistry, and upcoming revalidation of the waiting list;
h) General Practice availability and accessibility;
i) UHP’s One Plan to improve urgent and emergency care;
j) Digital inclusion and accessibility;
k) The UHP Newsletter and communications.
The Board agreed to:
1. Request that NHS Devon provide further clarification regarding the recommencement of NHS Dentistry check-ups post Covid;
2. Request further information regarding the NHS Devon financial position;
3. Request further information regarding admissions to ED due to challenges accessing GP services;
4. Note the report.
Supporting documents:
NHS Devon Update - July 24 - Cover Sheet, item 5.
PDF 149 KB
NHS Devon Update July 2024 - Report, item 5.
PDF 261 KB