Agenda item
Vaping Working Group, Update
(Councillor Terri Beer joined the meeting at this time as a guest (non-voting), having referred the motion ’Impact of Vaping on Young People’ to City Council on 18 September 2023.)
Dave Schwartz (Consultant, Public Health) delivered the Vaping Working Group Update Report to the Board and discussed:
a) The origins of the Vaping Working Group, and concerns around the increasing prevalence of vaping amongst Children and Young People (CYP);
b) The attendance and contribution of a wide range of City partners, which was held on 23 May 2024;
c) Recognition of significant and varied partnership activity and support for vaping prevention and responses;
d) A survey conducted of secondary schools in Plymouth had been received following the Vaping Working Group, with feedback valuing the advice and support provided around vaping issues;
e) Confirmation in the Kings Speech, that the Tobacco and Vapes Bill would be an early priority for the new Government, regulating the flavours, packaging, displaying and content of vaping products. Additional funding would also be provided to enforcement agencies to tackle underage sales and enhance online age verification;
In response to questions, the Board discussed:
f) The environmental impact of disposable vapes;
g) Partnership engagement with all secondary schools in Plymouth, which would be ongoing;
h) The importance of a holistic approach to CYP vaping and support across the city;
i) Additional funding which had enabled the provision of two full time youth workers in the city, primarily focussed on CYP vaping;
j) The importance of early education, prevention messaging and support around vaping and substances controlled by the Misuse of Drugs Act;
k) The unknown long-term effects of vaping and need for further studies and monitoring;
The Board agreed to:
1. Note the outcomes of the Vaping Working Group;
2. Endorse the actions as set out in appendix E of the report;
3. Support ongoing city-wide partnership working to prevent uptake, minimise harm, and respond supportively to the issue of CYP vaping;
4. Record their appreciation and thanks for the work of the Vaping Working Group and all partners who had contributed.
Supporting documents:
Vaping Working Group Report, Part 1 Appendix A Briefing Vaping Working Group, item 8.
PDF 204 KB
Appendix B 2019 HWBB Vaping Position, item 8.
Appendix C Vaping Substances controlled under the Misuse of Drugs Act (VScMDA), item 8.
Appendix D UKYP VAPING REPORT 2024 solutions 100724, item 8.
PDF 188 KB
Appendix E HWB Areas for Action Development Working Group Final, item 8.