Agenda item


The Head of Planning and Regeneration will submit a schedule asking Members to consider Applications, Development proposals by Local Authorities and statutory consultations under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and the Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Areas) Act 1990.


All of the applications included on this agenda have been considered subject to the provisions of the Human Rights Act 1998. This Act gives further effect to the rights included in the European Convention on Human Rights.


Any supplementary/additional information or amendments to a planning report will be circulated at the beginning of the Planning Committee meeting as an addendum.

Public speaking at Committee


The Chair will inform the Committee of those Ward Members and/or members of the public who have registered to speak in accordance with the procedure set out in the Council’s website.


Participants will be invited to speak at the appropriate time by the Chair of Planning Committee after the introduction of the case by the Planning Officer and in the following order:

·        Ward Member

·        Supporter

·        Objector


After the completion of the public speaking, the Planning Committee will make their deliberations and make a decision on the application.


Committee Request for a Site Visit


If a Member of Planning Committee wishes to move that an agenda item be deferred for a site visit the Member has to refer to one of the following criteria to justify the request:

1.      Development where the impact of a proposed development is difficult to visualise from the plans and any supporting material.

The Planning Committee will treat each request for a site visit on its merits.

2.      Development in accordance with the development plan that is recommended for approval.

The Planning Committee will exercise a presumption against site visits in this category unless in moving a request for a site visit the member clearly identifies what material planning consideration(s) have not already been taken into account and why a site visit rather than a debate at the Planning Committee is needed to inform the Committee before it determines the proposal.



3.      Development not in accordance with the development plan that is recommended for refusal.

The Planning Committee will exercise a presumption against site visits in this category unless in moving a request for a site visit the Member clearly identifies what material planning consideration(s) have not already been taken into account and why a site visit rather than a debate at the Planning Committee is needed to inform the Committee before it determines the proposal.

4.      Development where compliance with the development plan is a matter of judgement.

The Planning Committee will treat each case on its merits, but any member moving a request for a site visit must clearly identify why a site visit rather than a debate at the Planning Committee is needed to inform the Committee before it determines the proposal.

5.      Development within Strategic Opportunity Areas or development on Strategic Opportunity Sites as identified in the Local Plan/Local Development Framework.

The Chair of Planning Committee alone will exercise his/her discretion in moving a site visit where, in his/her opinion, it would benefit the Planning Committee to visit a site of strategic importance before a decision is made.

Decisions contrary to Officer recommendation

1.         If a decision is to be made contrary to the Head of Planning and Regeneration recommendation, then the Committee will give full reasons for the decision, which will be minuted.

2.         In the event that the Committee are minded to grant an application contrary to Officers recommendation then they must provide:

(i)                 full conditions and relevant informatives;

(ii)               full statement of reasons for approval (as defined in Town & Country Planning (General Development Procedure) (England) (Amendment) Order 2003);

4.         In the event that the Committee are minded to refuse an application contrary to Officers recommendation then they must provide:

(i)         full reasons for refusal which must include a statement as to demonstrable harm caused and a list of the relevant plan and policies which the application is in conflict with;

(ii)        statement of other policies relevant to the decision.

Where necessary Officers will advise Members of any other relevant planning issues to assist them with their decision.


The Committee considered the following planning applications, development proposals by local authorities and statutory consultations submitted under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and the Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 (P 39 06/07).


Addendum reports (P 40 06/07) were circulated relating to item nos. 2, 3, 7 and 8.


Resolved that –


            (1)            06/01187/FUL                     (Sean Brownlow)

                        The Jays Arcadia, Elburton



Application REFUSED for the reasons set out in the report.


(2)            06/01198/FUL                     (Serco Defence and Areospace)

                        HMNB Devonport



Application GRANTED, subject to the conditions and informative set out in the report and addendum report.


(3)       06/01236/FUL                       (Colesbourne Asset Management Ltd)

New George Street, Market Avenue, Western Approach and land at and adjoining Colin Campbell Court



Application GRANTED, subject to the conditions and S106 Obligation set out in the report and addendum report, refer to Government Office South West, but delegated authority to refuse if S106 Obligation is not completed before application deadline expires.


(At the invitation of the Chair, the Committee heard from a representative of the applicant in support of the above item (3).)


(4)            06/01251/FUL                     (Stuart and Annette Taylor)

                        119 to 120 King Street



                        Application REFUSED for the reasons set out in the report.


(5)            06/01254/FUL                     (Ovadell Limited)

                        9 to 11 Durnford Street, Stonehouse



Application GRANTED, subject to the conditions set out in the report.


(6)            06/01315/OUT            (Unionworld Ltd)

Beacon Castle Sports and Social Club and 18 Channel Park Avenue, Efford and Lipson



Application REFUSED for the reasons set out in the report.


(7)            06/01368/FUL             (Sutton Harbour Company)

                        East Quay Boat Yard, Sutton Road, Sutton Harbour



Application GRANTED, subject to the conditions and S106 Obligation set out in the report and addendum report.


(8)            06/01386/FUL             (McCarthy & Stone (Dev) Ltd)

                        The Hillside Centre, Station Road, Plympton,



Application GRANTED, subject to the conditions and S106 Obligation set out in the report and addendum report, and inclusion of the following Code of Practice During Construction information, but delegated authority to refuse if S106 Obligation not completed before the application deadline expiries -


Condition 12 – Code of Practice During Construction

·        Restrict deliveries/construction traffic to outside times 8.15 - 9am and 3.15 - 4pm.

·        Access route for construction traffic via Station Road only.


(At the invitation of the Chair, the Committee heard from a representative of the applicant in support of the above item (8).)


(9)            06/01416/FUL             (David Wylde)

                        Nuffield Hospital, Derriford Road



Application GRANTED, subject to the conditions set out in the report.

Supporting documents: