Agenda item


The Director of Corporate Resources will provide a summary of the strategic risk monitoring exercise completed for the period January to July, 2007.


The Director for Corporate Resources provided a summary of the Strategic Risk Register monitoring exercise completed for the period January to July, 2007. Members updated as follows –




at the last meeting of the Committee, Members had requested an update on the “red” risks reported in Operational Risk Registers, these being the Plymouth and West Devon Record Office (PWDRO), the Condition of the Hoe Foreshore and the Civic Centre Listing;




with regard to the PWDRO, a Heritage Lottery Fund Bid had been submitted the result of which would be known in December. If successful, a more ambitious plan for relocating the Records Office would be possible. An update would be provided to the next meeting;




with regard to the Hoe Foreshore, a revised health and safety risk assessment was due to be presented to Cabinet for approval on 25 September 2007 recommending closure of the men’s pool and demolition of the Leander diving stage, but to retain the main diving stage.  Also more definitive signage for safety would be put in place. Other improvements to the Foreshore would be in line with the existing capital approval;




with regard to the Civic Centre, this risk was now included on the Strategic Risk Register. There was a report going to Cabinet on 25 September 2007 proposing to demolish the listed building and relocate to Bretonside. Listed building consent was required which could take up to twelve months to move forward if agreed;




in respect of the Strategic Risk Register, it was reported that on red risk and two amber risks were now being reported as green to reflect effective management controls now in place. These were –

·        Service to Children at Risk – officers were satisfied that controls were working effectively and that all action plans arising from external inspections had now been implemented;

·        IT Strategy – significant improvements to IT infrastructure and resilience

·        Local Development Framework – from 362 planning authorities only seven Area Action Plans had been approved by the Planning Inspectorate and three were from Plymouth;




with regard to MTFP issues and financial and liability implications of significant partnership arrangements, the red risk score was reported as unchanged but a positive direction of travel arrow indicated an improvement in controls now in place;




with regard to the structural condition of properties on the North Prospect estate, an estimated £20m of repairs had been identified to deal with structural issues on council owned properties. The estate had potential structural problems being caused by rusting wall ties which posed a higher risk. Discussions were ongoing with a core group of residents, English Partnerships, the Housing Corporation and Ward Members. Members would receive an updated position at the next meeting.


The Chair thanked the officers for the excellent work gone into the report.


Resolved that –




the report be noted;




with regard to (iv) above, officers clarify if whether the Civic Centre and the Council House were classed together as the same building;




with regard to (viii) above, members receive an update at the next meeting on the North Prospect estate and what was being done on other estates in a similar position.

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