Agenda item

To receive and consider recommendations from Panels for O & S Management Board, Cabinet or Council


The following recommendations were submitted to the O & S Management Board for consideration –


     (i)             Children & Young People’s OSP minute no. 17 (24.9.09) – substitute Member for O & S Management Board to be Councillor Bowie;

   (ii)             Children & Young People’s OSP minute no. 18 (24.9.09) – ‘a focus on reducing teenage conception rates in the city’ joint task and finish group nominations from the Children & Young People’s OSP, i.e. Councillors Purnell, Mrs Beer, Mrs Watkins, Mrs Aspinall, Delbridge, Mr Kevin Willis;

 (iii)             Health & Wellbeing OSP minute no. 86 (3) (08/09) – Commission be recommended to pursue the ‘quality’ training opportunities for Members recently publicised by the IDeA (not Audit Commission as previously reported);

  (iv)             Health & Adult Social Care Minute no. 2 (2) (29.7.09) – the O & S Management Board be recommended to invite the Democratic and Member Support Manager to a future meeting in order to ascertain what was being done to address the lack of resources in Democratic Support:  it was observed that it would be more appropriate to discuss this matter in an informal meeting;

    (v)             Health & Adult Social Care Minute no. 14 (23.9.09) - co-opted representatives for the Panel to be –

·        a non-executive board member nominations from each of the PHT and PCT;

·        LINk representative, Chris Boot;

  (vi)             Health & Adult Social Care minute no. 15 (23.9.09) – substitute Member for O & S Management Board to be Councillor Stark;

(vii)             Health & Adult Social Care minute no. 24 (23.9.09) – ‘a focus on reducing teenage conception rates in the city’ joint task and finish group nominations from the Health & Adult Social Care OSP, i.e. Councillors Mrs Watkins, Mrs Aspinall, Councillor Delbridge;

(viii)             Safer & Stronger OSP minute, (15.6.09)  - amendments to the Customers & Communities OSP’s terms of reference, resolutions as follows –

(1)           the terms of reference include the following –

·        the relevant policies and review dates;

·        the relevant CIPs, 3, 4, 6 and 10;

·        the relevant cross cutting CIPs 1, 2, 13 and 14;

·        the relevant LSP Theme Groups (Safer, Stronger), Health, Cultural Board;

(2)           the terms of reference be amended to read ‘to monitor the budget and performance of the Cabinet Members, Department and partners to oversee delivery of the priorities of the area and with regard to better value for money;

  (ix)             Customers & Communities OSP minute no. 16 (28.9.09) – substitute Member for O & S Management Board to be Councillor Mrs Stephens;

    (x)             Customers & Communities OSP minute no. 17 (28.9.09) – co-opted representatives of the Panel to be Colin Trend (Money Centre) and Chaz Goldie (FAT-HE);

  (xi)             Customers & Communities OSP minute no. 19 (28.9.09) – update on tackling anti-social behaviour strategy, including the Councillor Call for Action example –

·        provision of a tool kit outlining the process and procedures for a Councillor Call for Action request, to be made available to all Members, departments and interested parties within the next committee cycle;

·        request the local strategic partners for resourcing to be made available for –

(a)   research on national indicators 17 and 21

(NI 17 relates to how people perceive how big anti social behaviour is in their locality, NI 21 relates to how people perceive how well the police and council deal with anti social behaviour);

(b)   mapping of intergenerational work within the city and further resources to enhance its delivery;

(xii)            Support Services OSP minute no. 18 (1.10.09) – People’s Strategy be recommended to Cabinet for approval.


Members were advised that co-opted representatives (other than statutory co-opted representatives on the Children & Young People’s OSP) were non- voting and they would receive Code of Conduct training.


Resolved that –


(1)           items (i), (ii), (v), (vi), (vii), (ix), (x) and (xii) above be noted;

(2)           with regard to (xi) above, first bullet point, the Head of Policy, Performance and Partnerships be requested to provide a report on ‘Councillor Call for Action’ and report the date by which this will be available to the next meeting of the Customers & Communities OSP.

Supporting documents: