Agenda item


The Director for Community Services’ Business Manager will provide a performance update in respect of Adult Social Care.


The Assistant Director of Adult Social Care and the Cabinet Member for Adult Health and Social Care were in attendance to present a performance status report in respect of Adult Social Care.  Members were advised that the results of the 2008-09 inspection were subject to an embargo by the Care Quality Commission and would be published on 2 December, 2009 and then presented to a meeting of Cabinet on 19 January, 2010. 


Members had received a copy of the briefing paper, circulated in advance of the meeting, which –




detailed the priorities identified for 2008-09, along with the outcomes achieved;




set out the priorities identified for 2009-10, along with the challenges and objectives;




advised of progress with regard to Corporate Improvement Priority No. 3 – Helping People to Live Independently;




highlighted performance against national indicators.


In response to questions raised, Members heard that –




as a result of comments made by the Commission for Social Care Inspection last year, there had been a significant increase in the number of people helped to live at home.  There had also been a reduction in the number of people in permanent care;




the receipt of care was determined through risk assessment and a set eligibility criteria (prioritised in Plymouth to those having substantial or critical needs);




monitoring of performance information was undertaken on a monthly basis;




adaptations were scheduled for consideration at the panel’s 25 November meeting and any questions or concerns regarding  their use or supply should be raised there.


Discussion turned to the table highlighting the City Council’s performance against national indicators and concern was expressed at the complexity of the information presented, that no baseline had been included to help interpret the percentages, and that no definitions had been included.  Members heard further that -




with regard to NI 146, the indicator was specific and only related to employment of more than 16 hours per week.  Funding had recently been obtained and this would be used to employ a project worker to establish exactly how many people with learning disabilities were in employment in the City and to map the various pathways supporting people into employment, both voluntary and paid;




with regard to NI 125, this had previously been an indicator which authorities had been able to choose to include or not.  Only the last 3 months of the year had been included.  It was envisaged that this indicator would not be red next year.


The following questions were also raised but, in the absence of the relevant information being to hand, it was agreed that responses would be provided, in writing, to members after the meeting –


  • the number of people going into supported living, their age and whether they had any physical, mental or learning disabilities
  • transitional arrangements for young adults who were in, or wished to be in, a supported living environment
  • details of new services being commissioned, including what was being done to address people’s emotional wellbeing

Supporting documents: