Agenda item




Mr. J. Keating






Grant Conditionally



(Mr. J. Keating)


The officer referred to the addendum report and advised that a further letter of representation had been received from an MP.



Application REFUSED for the following reasons –


(1) The site is in a relatively isolated location and the Local Planning Authority considers that the proposal would not accord with sustainable development principles as it is remote from adequate services, employment, education, public transport, etc, and the gypsy sites would therefore increase the need for journeys to be made by private vehicles, which is not sustainable. It is therefore considered to be contrary to the aims of policies, CS16 and CS28 of the Core Strategy of Plymouth's Local Development Framework 2007 and to Planning Policy Guidance Note 13 (Transport).

(2) The Local Planning Authority considers that the site is not well located on the highway network and the proposals fail to provide safe and convenient vehicular and pedestrian access to the site as well as safe and convenient access to schools and local facilities. For these reasons the Local Planning Authority considers that the proposed gypsy site is not adequately integrated into the local community and is therefore contrary to policy CS17 of the Core Strategy of Plymouth's Local Development Framework 2007.

(3) The Local Planning Authority considers that the proposal would result in isolated development on a strategically important greenscape area beyond the limits of any existing urban/suburban area. It would be detrimental to the character and appearance of this part of the greenspace and set an unwelcome precedent for further sporadic development. The proposal is therefore considered to be contrary to policy CS18 of the Core Strategy of Plymouth's Local Development Framework 2007.

(4) The site falls within the area identified for designation as a countryside park in the Area Action Plan for North Plymstock. The Local Planning Authority considers that the proposal would be detrimental to the character and function of this area of greenscape and therefore be contrary to the aims of proposal NP11 of the Area Action Plan for North Plymstock and policy CS18 of the Core Strategy of Plymouth's Local Development Framework 2007.

(5) There is a potential for contamination to be present at the site as a preliminary risk assessment including an adequate desk study, conceptual model and initial assessment of risk has not been submitted with the application.  The Local Planning Authority considers that this risk is unacceptable because there is no evidence to indicate otherwise.  The proposals are therefore contrary to policy CS34 of the Core Strategy of Plymouth’s Local Development Framework 2007.


(Councillor Lock, having declared a prejudicial interest in respect of the above item and the following three items, withdrew from the meeting).


(Councillor Mrs. Stephens took the Chair).


(Councillor Delbridge, having been proposed by Councillor Mrs. Stephens and seconded by Councillor Ball, took the Vice-Chair).


(At the invitation of the Chair, the Committee heard from Councillor Beer, Ward Member, speaking against the application).


(At the invitation of the Chair, the Committee heard from the applicant’s agent).


(At the invitation of the Chair, the Committee heard representations

against the application).

Supporting documents: