Agenda item

Locality Working

Cabinet minute 113 refers.


Cabinet Member: Councillor Brookshaw

CMT Lead Officer: Director for Community Services


To view the Scrutiny report and the Cabinet report and document, click on the following links:





CouncillorBrookshaw submitted the recommendations of Cabinet minute 113 for approval and the proposal was seconded by Councillor Fox.


An amendment was subsequently moved by Councillor Wildy and seconded by Councillor Evans as set out below –


Under recommendations


1.         add after the introduction of the words ‘a pilot’ for locality working according to the model proposed and insert under first bullet point ‘in Plymstock’;


Delete bullet points numbers 1 – 4


2.         after discontinued insert ‘in the pilot area’;


3.         delete all and insert ‘agrees to request the Director of Community Services to present options for each locality based on detailed negotiations with relevant councilors, partners, members of the community, faith groups and third sector organisations taking into account feedback from consultation and community engagement and disaggregated data at neighbourhood level on city-wide priorities together with detailed budgets for each locality’;


4.         delete after Task and Finish Group ‘be established 12 months after implementation to formally review progress’ and insert ‘to monitor the pilot and other neighbourhood management initiatives, eg.  Devonport with a view to making recommendations for roll-out across the city within the next 12 months’.


Following a request by 10 Members for a recorded vote on the amendment, there voted –


For the motion (16)


CouncillorsMrs Aspinall, Bowie, Coker, Dann, Evans, Gordon, Lowry, McDonald, Nelder, Purnell, Rennie, Stevens, Tuohy, Vincent, Wheeler and Wildy.


Against the motion (36)


Councillors Ball, Mrs Beer, Berrow, Bowyer, Bragg, Brookshaw, Browne, Delbridge, Mrs Dolan, Drean, Michael Foster, Fox, Fry, James, Jordan, Kerswell, King, Martin Leaves, Michael Leaves, Sam Leaves, Lock, Monahan, Mrs Nicholson, Nicholson, Mrs Pengelly, Reynolds, Ricketts, Roberts, Dr Salter, Stark, Mrs Stephens, Thompson, Viney, Mrs Watkins and Wigens.



Abstentions (0)


Absent (4)


CouncillorsMrs W Foster, Dr Mahony, Miller and Smith


The Lord Mayor did not vote.


The Lord Mayor declared the amendment not carried.


During the debate on the substantive motion, the Leader offered to meet with members of the opposition group to further explore and clarify issues as necessary.


The Portfolio Holder advised the Council that this was a working document and it would be reviewed in 12 months time via scrutiny.


Following a vote, the motion was declared carried and it was Resolved that the recommendations are approved as follows –




the introduction of locality working is supported according to the model proposed, in particular:




by appointing a lead councillor for each neighbourhood with responsibility for raising community priorities relevant to Locality working and agreeing solutions with Locality Service Coordination Teams (LSCT). The work of the LSCTs being guided by these priorities plus any strategic priority identified by the LSP Executive;




wherever possible, the lead ward councillor for each Neighbourhood to be allocated by agreement amongst the party with the majority amongst those councillors with wards which cover the Neighbourhood. Where necessary, Party Leaders and Independent councillors to be involved to reach agreement on the allocation of ward councillors to the relevant Neighbourhood lead role.  Arrangements to be reviewed annually;




the establishment of six Locality Service Coordination Teams (LSCTs), with representation from key services covering: Community Safety, Children & Young People, Health & Adult Social Care, and Street Services; with additional services represented where locally required;




each Team having a Locality Lead, a senior person to be appointed from the Local Strategic Partnership (LSP) partner organisations, who would have this responsibility in addition to their current role;



the work of the LSCTs to focus on prioritised more complex problem areas or issues that require a joined-up response (i.e. that cannot be sorted direct by individual services);




replace Area Committees with strengthened neighbourhood engagement, including enhanced PACT (Partners and Communities Together) initiatives, web-based consultation, liaison with neighbourhood organisations, Third Sector involvement (voluntary, community and charitable organisations), questionnaires and surveys, and other appropriate neighbourhood based methods;




to support Localities working, information should be available covering local issues, feedback from consultation and community engagement, and data on city-wide priorities, all disaggregated at Neighbourhood and Locality levels in a way that can inform decision-making and service responses;



Area Committees are discontinued, with effect from 1 June 2010, and that consequential changes to the Constitution are made to reflect this; Area Committees to be replaced with strengthened community engagement mechanisms at Neighbourhood level as outlined in the Locality working model; Area Committee functions to be delivered direct by the Portfolio holder in consultation with ward members.




agrees to delegate to the Director for Community Services, in consultation with the LSP, the conclusion of details of locality working including terms of reference for the LSCTs and the development of PACTs, role profiles and working arrangements;




agrees to keep Locality Working under constant review and to request that a Scrutiny Task and Finish Group is established 12 months after implementation to formally review progress.


Supporting documents: