Agenda item


The Panel will receive a verbal update on future governance arrangements.


The Director for Development and Regeneration, the Assistant Director for Planning Services and Community Planning and Partnership Coordinator presented draft proposals for the reform of governance arrangements relating to the growth agenda to the Committee.


The Committee was informed that –



the purpose of the revised governance framework was to achieve a clear and effective framework for governance and a powerful voice for representing the growth agenda at international, national and regional level;



the new governance framework set out a more clear and effective framework and enabled delivery of a more joined up approach; the sub region would include Cornwall, Torbay, Devon and South Hams;



Plymouth and its sub region requires a strategic approach to planning and delivering economic growth;



currently there were several groups that worked towards achieving the growth agenda (75+) but no clear structure showing how they all connect and roles they play; because of this there were several consequences such as a diluted strategic leadership, confusion around governance, lack of focus and accountability for delivery, duplication of time and energy of different agencies and lack of attendance at meetings;



there were specific governance needs that needed to be addressed such as the delivery of a shared vision, coordinating delivery of housing, economic development and strategic infrastructure at a sub regional level (part of CIP12), coordinating input into regional programmes, prioritising funding opportunities, clear lines of accountability and a stronger focus all round on delivery;



there were potential alternative forms of governance, such as Multi Area Agreements and Sub regional Economic Prosperity Boards (EPB), and the proposed framework could potentially evolve into formal structures such as these at a later stage if appropriate, but this is not currently proposed;



the key principles underlying the proposed governance arrangements are: simplicity in its overall architecture, flexibility to deliver relevant tasks and evolve into other governance models, strategic focus to address the sub regional dimension of the growth agenda, clarify of function to distinguish between strategy and delivery, and streamlining to reduce the number of supported groups;



a Portfolio Holders Board would have an advisory role on the growth arrangements and would have no executive decision making powers; it would have the remit to join up policy and strategy, promote a coordinated approach of regional and sub-regional policy, coordinate input to other policies which would have an impact or relationship with the growth vision for Plymouth, to promote the vision for Plymouth and the Growth Agenda and to advise on high level investment priorities for coordination by the Plymouth Growth Board;



a Plymouth Growth Board would have a strategic coordinating role and would consist of membership from the Chief Executive or nominated Director from each of the Councils in the sub regional area; it would have the remit to oversee the implementation of the city growth agenda, to identify sub regional priorities for funding, determine growth agenda funding options and priorities, to inform capital programmes, to prioritise strategically important development and infrastructure projects and identify delivery mechanisms and to unblock key obstacles to delivery;



scrutiny would have a role to hold the boards to account, to review and monitor the delivery of the Growth Agenda and performance of the governance arrangements and to consider the involvement of Local Strategic Partnerships from the sub region in the scrutiny process;



a communication plan would ensure that Members, external stakeholders and the general public understood the growth agenda and the benefits for the sub region and that everyone was kept informed of progress and delivery; this would be in addition to and joined up with the consultation and engagement that the Councils and Local Strategic Partnership were already committed to.


In response to questions raised it was reported that –




it was acknowledged that partners from the third sector were key organisations for the growth agenda, in addition to some of the groups highlighted in the officer’s presentation;




officers would aim to use existing mechanisms to engage with people; it was highlighted that there would be engagement in the framework as a whole as well of parts of it;




a key outcome of the governance framework would be to achieve more efficient and effective coordination of delivery of the growth agenda, and this was necessary in order to optimise the potential to deliver sustained improvements to the economic prosperity of Plymouth and its sub region.


Recommended to the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board that –



the Growth and Prosperity Overview and Scrutiny Panel support the governance proposals for the growth agenda, and request the following:





that more detail be provided about its desired outcomes over the next 24 months;




that criteria be set for measuring the effectiveness of the new governance arrangements;




that the criteria are monitored and reported to the Growth and Prosperity Overview and Scrutiny Panel on a 6 monthly basis;




that a full review of the governance arrangements be undertaken after 24 months