Agenda item


The Assistant Head of Asset Management, Head of HR and Organisational Development and the Assistant Director for ICT will provide a presentation on the Accommodation, People’s and ICT strategies.


Councillor Sam Leaves, Cabinet Member for Performance and Transformation, Councillor Glenn Jordan, Cabinet Member for Customer Services, Malcolm Coe, Assistant Director for Finance, Assets and Efficiencies, Mark Grimley, Assistant Director for HR and Organisational Development, Neville Cannon, Assistant Director for ICT and Chris Trevitt, Head of Capital and Assets gave a presentation on the Accommodation, People’s and ICT strategies. Councillors were informed that –



the three strategies formed the common core of a corporate approach to transformation. This transformation was focused on three key areas service delivery, structural and cultural transformation;



the Accommodation Strategy began in June 2009 and a detailed business case and timeline were being followed. A report is going to Cabinet in August 2010 with the aim of creating a cultural change in the authority improving the way the council works and saves money;



the cultural change was demonstrated through the transformation on floor 5 in the Civic Centre which had created a more spacious and comfortable environment for staff as a result of hot-desking and an open-plan office. The change on floor 5 was designed by staff themselves in consultation with unions and provided a great example as to what the Accommodation Strategy could achieve;



the cultural change in offices were based on the ratio of eight desks to 10 people, and as an authority the aim was to implement this across the council and reduce the use of major council buildings to three relinquishing six council satellite offices, this change would generate huge financial savings;



joined up working, shared services and co-location with the Health organisations was being sought as this would increase money saving potential;



the strategy aimed to save money through the following revenue saving options –




reduction in building lease costs;




reduction in rates, operational costs and energy costs, thus improving the council’s carbon footprint and also creating a reduction in carbon tax liability;




less PC’s, printers and licenses through hot-desking and also a reduction in repairs and maintenance;




potential capital receipts through the sale of buildings;



it was anticipated that the revenue savings would start to accrue from 2011/12;



in order for the Accommodation Strategy to be successful it was vital that it worked in partnership with the People’s Strategy and the ICT Strategy. A great improvement was required in ICT provisioned functionality in order for the Accommodation Strategy to be implemented fully;



invest to save options were key to the ICT Strategy being successful in achieving its objectives which were –




to ensure value for money was being achieved;




to create improved joined up working internally and externally with partners to ensure assets were being re-used and shared appropriately;




to exploit all information provided ensuring that information was reliable and from a trustworthy source;




to reduce the risks from ICT equipment failures;



there was universal agreement for the need to invest in ICT.  However, it was understood that the Accommodation Strategy represented only one of three required investment streams and therefore it was noted that the investment included in the Accommodation Strategy should be further supported by investment in the two remaining strands if the full benefits are to be achieved by the council;



updated ICT requirements were important and Microsoft Windows 7, Office 2010 and Exchange 2010 were already decided,  funded and being planned;



an improvement in the telephony operation was paramount to the ICT Strategy being successful and the Accommodation and Customer Services Strategies were also heavily reliant on this improvement for them to be successful;



other ICT improvements that are key to the success of the Accommodation and People’s strategies include –




the implementation of an Office Communication Server (OCS) which will improve officer communication and relinquish the need to keep the outdated internal telephone directory;




a data centre being built at Windsor  House in order to ensure business continuity if anything happened to the Civic Centre;



the implementation of the whole ICT Strategy would not only assist the Accommodation and People’s Strategies but would aid the transformation agenda and also –




improve access to information across all council services;




improve self service for external customers through the creation of a transitional website where people can process payments online;




provide better and more consistent electronic storage reducing the need for paper storage;




improve data quality and communication across all departments;



the People’s Strategy was now in its final year and was a major driver behind the transformation agenda;



the People’s Strategy was aiming to create a productive and skilled workforce. This was being achieved by the creation of a competency framework which had been approved by the Unions, also a new appraisal system had been introduced with 90% of staff having had their appraisals undertaken;



the strategy also identified the need to plan for medium term skill improvements and the development of the future workforce of the council. This was a big challenge and where the three strategies integrated best as the need to have improved ICT and ICT skills and a better communicated approach to improve customer service was key;



the People’s Strategy also aimed to –




engage with staff and support them through organisational change;




create policies that support good people management and promote diversity;



there were some major link’s between the three strategies including –




they were all striving to support organisational change;




they all identified a need to improve skill’s and communication of staff;




they all require improvements in ICT to ensure that the strategies were implemented successfully.


Members of the panel were also informed that the three strategies were working in a completely joined up approach alongside the Medium Term Financial Strategy and the Constitution.


Agreed that –



Chris Trevitt, the Head of Capital and Assets would disseminate information surrounding the cost of marketing and maintaining the Civic Centre and the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) compliance of all the council’s buildings to Support Services Overview and Scrutiny panel members;



the Democratic Support Officer send a copy of the presentation to all Support Services Overview and Scrutiny panel members;



following Cabinet reviewing the strategies a comprehensive managers report on the strategies identifying their risks and how they work together be submitted to a future meeting of the panel.


The Chair thanked Councillor Sam Leaves, Councillor Glenn Jordan and all the officers for their attendance.