Agenda item


To receive an update on Corporate Improvement Priority 2 – Informing and Involving residents.


Councillor Glenn Jordan, Cabinet Member for Customer Services and Jo Atkey, Policy and Performance Officer gave a presentation on Corporate Improvement Priority 2 – Informing and Involving Residents. Councillors were informed that –



CIP 2 had five key milestones which were –




improve information available to residents about opportunities to get involved and have a say;




under new LSP governance arrangements, establish an NI4 action plan identifying partnership-wide responsibilities in relation to involving residents in decisions in their local areas;




co-ordinate public engagement and consultation processes at neighbourhood level to support the Localities working model;




deliver training to increase staff and councillor awareness of best practice engagement and consultation practice;




establish a central research function to improve analysis and use of information and data in support of service planning;



the council’s website had been improved making it a more user friendly service;



the creation of a consultation portal enabled consultation information to be more readily available through the website;



regular meetings with partner organisations were being held to share information about engagement and consultation activities with the aim to be more joined up and make better use from public feedback;




localities working was being implemented enabling local residents to engage with the council and its partners, and in the process delivering better engagement opportunities;



a training programme was being provided to councillors and staff from the council and its partners ensuring that councillors and staff were better informed on how to engage and consult with residents;



to improve information and data management in support of service planning, the Council and partner organisations were improving how they shared information and data. Neighbourhood profiles would soon be published on the Council's website;



further delivery of CIP 2 would incorporate –




the impact of new government policies;




the continued importance of utilising customer feedback and residents perceptions in shaping services and delivering emerging city wide priorities.


In response to questions raised it was reported that –



the Place Survey had been withdrawn following the changes in Government;



as a result of the withdrawal of the Place Survey there was no requirement for local authorities to undertake perception surveys, however Plymouth would aim to make better use of information gathered via consultations and other surveys;



the neighbourhood profiles would all be consistent in their approach and follow the same format containing information about health, crime rates, area demographics and local leisure facilities;



the website was designed to be used by people with visual impairments, however it was realised that this was not the definitive answer to engagement and there were other channels for residents to use such as focus groups and neighbourhood forums.


Agreed that –



the panel continues to value the views of our customers in service planning and playing a role in monitoring how that feedback is used;



the Democratic Support Officer would disseminate a copy of the CIP 2 presentation to all members of the Panel;



Jo Atkey, Policy and Performance Officer would send to all Panel members a link for the neighbourhood profiles, once they were live, and a link to the consultation portal.


The Chair thanked Jo Atkey, Policy and Performance Officer for her attendance.