Agenda item


To consider the scrutiny report of the Task and Finish Group.  See also agenda items 7, 8 and 9 below  


Councillor Ricketts, Chair of the Task and Finish Group, will present the recommendations of the scrutiny group.


Cabinet Member: Councillor Monahan

CMT Lead Officer: Director for Community Services   


Cabinet Members received the Scrutiny Report of the Health and Adult Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Panel Task and Finish Group on the Modernisation of Adult Social Care. 


Councillor James, Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board, reported that the Management Board had approved the report of the Task and Finish Group on 27 October 2010 and that the Management Board had congratulated the Task and Finish Group on its work. 


Councillor Ricketts presented the scrutiny report, indicating that councillors had visited the facilities as part of the scrutiny exercise.  He submitted the following recommendations of the Task and Finish Group, for consideration, and thanked panel members for their work, the staff at the facilities and the users and their families for their assistance and contributions towards the scrutiny exercise.   



The Task and Finish Group recommend to Cabinet that -




the proposals regarding the decommissioning of the Welby Community Unit alongside the increased capacity at the Colwill Lodge facility are approved;




further development of personal budgets and the re-provision of residential respite are approved;



(Subject to further consultation received before the end of the consultation period)



the group felt that the Welby building was not fit for purpose and the costs associated with its maintenance were not value for money. It was accepted by the panel that the forward direction with relation to personalisation gave control to service users and their families and noted the enthusiasm for alternative respite arrangements as expressed through the extensive consultation process;



the Task and Finish Group recommend to Cabinet that Disability Related Benefits are removed from assessable income and therefore the Disability Related Expenses are removed from the financial assessment process to reduce bureaucracy and simplify the process;



the maximum contribution should not be set at 100% of the personal budget and a cap on contributions should remain;



a transitional period of 12 months and support from social care officers should be implemented to help people whose contributions change;



information provided to service users should focus on eligibility and charging and should be in simple terms and plain English. One to one advice must also be available for those service users whose contributions are likely to change;



the consultation process had been extensive and properly carried out;



the Task and Finish Group recommend to Cabinet that the future direction for residential care for older people is extra care facilities;



facilities within Frank Cowl are outdated and the costs of keeping the building open are unsustainable and not value for money;



it was considered that there had been sufficient consultation with users and their families but that Adult Social Care should provide them with a further opportunity to engage before the end of the consultation process.


The Chair thanked Councillors James and Ricketts for their presentations and Councillor Monahan (Cabinet Member for Adult Health and Social Care) thanked the Task and Finish Group and the scrutiny panel for their work.


The Chair also referred to a visit by some of the Cabinet Members to the facilities and thanked the staff for their assistance.


Agreed that the scrutiny recommendations are noted.


(Councillor Michael Leaves having declared an interest, withdrew from the meeting during consideration of the above item).


(See also minutes 66, 67 and 68 below).

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