Agenda item


CMT Lead Officer: Corporate Management Team


The Corporate Management Team submitted a written report outlining the performance and finance monitoring position of the Council as at the end of the second quarter, September 2010. 


The report indicated that -  



the variations shown excluded any variance on the agreed delivery plans for the year and the in year reduction target;  



the full implications of the Comprehensive Spending Review were still being studied and would be referred to in the next quarterly report; 




the in year revenue and capital funding reductions previously announced in the emergency budget had been reflected within this year’s planning and delivery plans and were included in the figures in the report; 




further new capital schemes, totalling £0.544m, were proposed for inclusion in the capital programme;



until the full implications of the Comprehensive Spending Review had been identified, a hold had been placed on any further new commitments against any unringfenced funding within the capital programme.  


Councillor Bowyer (Cabinet Member for Finance, Property, People and Governance) advised that it was highly likely that redundancies would have to be made and officers would also be looking sympathetically at requests for job share and reducing hours.


Councillor Sam Leaves (Cabinet Member for Performance and Transformation) drew Members’ attention to the report (Page 125, paragraph 2.6 refers) and clarified that the Level 2 and 3 indicators would not be embedded entirely in the performance monitoring process until the first quarter of 2011/12 although the next quarterly performance report would feature many of the newly identified Level 2 and 3 indicators. 


The Chair congratulated the Director for Development and Regeneration, the transport department and Councillor Wigens (Cabinet Member for Transport) for their good work on the improvements to the eastern corridor.


Agreed that –



directors progress urgently, further delivery plans and outstanding actions to address the remaining shortfall in 2010/11; 



the latest 2010/11 capital forecast of £92.179m, is noted and the City Council is Recommended to approve that the following new schemes (included in the latest forecast) are added to the programme for 2010/11 -




Brickfields improved Athletics facilities £0.133m;




reinstatement of playing fields at Lipson Vale £0.407m;



£2.333m is transferred from earmarked reserves to an Invest to Save reserve;




the budget virements, outlined below, are formally approved by Cabinet in accordance with Financial Regulations -




pooling of consultancy budgets within Development and Regeneration, enabling a budget reduction to be delivered: Total in Department virement made £277,562;




movement of the Council’s contribution to the schools PFI from Corporate Items to Children’s Services: £578,107;




update to individual service budgets for one off, in-year transfers from the carry forward and transformational change reserves: £1.636m. (Further detail is outlined in Appendix D to the report);




transfer from Corporate Items to Children’s Services budget for LSC Special Purposes grant allocated via Area Based Grant £228,286;



the land and properties, as outlined in Appendix E to the report, are appropriated from the Housing Revenue Account to the General Fund.


Supporting documents: