Agenda item


The Panel will be provided with an update on the Local Development Framework Annual Monitoring Report.


Councillor Fry (Cabinet Member for Planning, Strategic Housing and Economic Development), Jonathan Bell (Head of Development Planning), Peter Ford (Head of Development Management), Fiona Northcott (Spatial Planning Coordinator) and John Dixon (Planning Delivery Manager) provided the panel with an update on the Local Development Framework Annual Monitoring Report (LDF AMR).


The panel was informed that –



the LDF AMR was submitted to Government on 22 December 2010;



Plymouth retained its position as the most advanced council for planning services;



the LDF AMR was a factual statement regarding the Council’s performance over the last year;



85% targets were still on track however as a result of the recession, it was expected to take at least 3-5 years longer to achieve what the LDF had expected to deliver by 2021;



the Planning Service recently received another national award from independent Building for Life judges;



1200 planning applications had been processed;



the quality of residential developments had improved;



Plymouth had more schemes assessed as ‘very good quality’ than any other authority in the country;



the Peninsula Medical Dental School and Mount Wise and Marlborough Primary Schools targets had not been met; the latter was no longer in the capital programme;



the delivery of office development, lifetime homes and onsite renewable energy production were three targets also not on target;



the employment rate fell for the second year running and the amount of land development for housing and office space was at its lowest;


In response to questions raised it was reported that –



the report had been submitted to Government and final colour copies of the report would be placed in Members rooms once printed;



delivering sustainable linked communities was identified as being on track given that work was progressing well on the Sustainable Neighbourhoods Development Plan Document which would include proposals to address issues in  each of the city’s neighbourhoods outside Area Action Plan areas;



core strategy target 4.2, to remove 5% of buildings per annum from the 2005 Buildings at Risk Register, had been met, however the Register had been re-based and this target would be reviewed for its effectiveness in the future;



the gap in life expectancy across the city has been recorded in neighbourhood profiles; a map of these values would be provided to Councillors;



the housing waiting list had increased however officers were hopeful affordable housing would increase in Plymouth;



officers would provide Councillors with a list detailing the buildings removed from the buildings at risk register;



the market recovery plan was not specifically mentioned in the LDF report however the level of activity in the city remained significant;



St Budeaux District Centre was listed as 8th of the ten worst performing centres in the city despite having no shop vacancies as 5 of its 20 units were hot food take away establishments;



the legislation regarding contaminated land had been strengthened;



section 106 money would be legally pursued if it was not received;



there will no longer be a requirement to send the LDF to Government  in the future due to a change in legislation however there would still be a legal requirement to produce annual reports; it was the responsibility of the local authority to determine the form and nature of the reports;


The Chair thanked Councillor Fry and the officers for their attendance and congratulated them on their efforts in compiling the report.


Agreed that –



an update on the Localism Bill would be added to the next  Growth and Prosperity agenda on 7 March 2011;



officers would provide panel members with a map of the city detailing indicators for the gap in life expectancy across neighbourhoods;



officers would provide Councillors with a list detailing the buildings removed from the buildings at risk register.


Under this item the Chair gave panel members the opportunity to ask questions to officers on the Localism Bill. The panel was informed that the Localism Bill would include statutory neighbourhood plans in order to empower local communities at a local level.

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