Agenda item


Members will scrutinise the Corporate Plan, Budget and associated documentation over the two day session.


Members of the Board undertook two days of comprehensive and detailed scrutiny of the Budget and Corporate Plan, hearing from Cabinet Members and senior officers with respect to 

·               an overview of the City and Council vision

·               the new City priorities

·               revenue and capital spending plans to deliver those priorities whilst still achieving the required savings

·               key partnerships

The full report and recommendations relating to the Board’s scrutiny of the Budget and Corporate Plan for 2011/12 are attached as an appendix to these minutes.

The Chair and Board extended a further vote of thanks to all those who had contributed to the scrutiny process, Cabinet Members, officers and partners.

Agreed that the report and recommendations appended to these minutes be approved and forward to Cabinet for consideration.

(Councillors McDonald, Thompson, Stevens and Browne declared personal interests in respect of the above item).

Supporting documents: