Agenda item


The Panel will receive a presentation on the Corporate Transformation Programme.


Councillor Sam Leaves, Cabinet Member for Performance and Transformation and Ian Gallin, Assistant Chief Executive gave a presentation on the Corporate Transformational Change Programme. Councillors were informed that –



the Transformational Change Programme was an evolving process driven by the city’s vision and revenue pressures to create £30m savings over the next three years;



the Plymouth Report had also helped drive the programme through shared priorities and agreed targets with partnership agencies;



examples of transformation already in place in the Council were given as creating a leaner approach within the Revenues and Benefits department and also through the actions taken as part of the Accommodation Strategy;



the programme aimed to make the council a more efficient organisation and had four key areas, which were service delivery transformation, structural transformation, cultural transformation and a common core;



each of the key areas had significant issues and projects that were to be transformed to improve efficiency, examples included:




service delivery transformation – Adult Social Care, Children’s Services and the experience of customers (customer services);




structural transformation – outsourcing leisure management, business management and administrative support (reducing duplication);




cultural transformation – the communications strategy, developing leaders and terms and conditions;




common core – the Accommodation Strategy, governance arrangements and revised corporate priorities;



progress reports against key work streams would be included in finance and performance reports. A corporate strategic calendar would also be produced, which would include key milestone dates, council meeting dates and key dates from partnership agencies.


In response to councillors questions it was reported that –



the progress of the programme would be measured with reference to a range of factors including satisfaction surveys, monitoring value for money, benchmarking transformation and delivering budget delivery plans;



some areas of transformation and improvements were being strived for in collaborative working with partnership agencies.



there was no longer any overarching requirement or expectation for local authorities to have a Local Strategic Partnership (LSP), however, it was felt that bringing city leaders together and aligning partnership agencies was vitally important in delivering the transformational change programme and the vision and priorities for the City;



theLSP theme groups would continue to require changes to reflect changing policy and legislation. For example the Growth Board replacing the Wealthy Theme Group to fit with the Local Enterprise Partnership agenda. The introduction of a Health and Wellbeing Board would also need to be addressed;



the proposed Public Sector Board (final designation of title to be confirmed) was a new arrangement that would assist in driving transformational change forward across a number of organisations, predominantly in the public sector;



locality working parties were viewed as a significant element in the transformation and would be reviewed by the Customers and Communities Overview and Scrutiny Panel in June 2011.


Agreed that –



Councillor Sam Leaves would provide an emailed response to all Panel members about how the Growth Board would fit in with the Waterfront Strategy;



Ian Gallin, Assistant Chief Executive would distribute to all Panel members the current landscape of boards, partnerships and their structures.


Recommended that the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board receive the minutes and/or updates from the new Public Sector Board (title to be confirmed).