Agenda item




Persimmon Homes Ltd.



Plymstock Radford



Minded to approve, subject to the following -





the completion of a S106 with the applicants, based on the scale and nature of provision and the requirements as indicated in Documents 2 and 3 detailed in this Committee report. These requirements are essential to adequately reflect local planning policies, the PCC Core Strategy and NPAAP planning policies and proposals as indicated in this report;





the planning conditions (as outlined in Document 1);





Delegated authority to refuse if the S106 is not completed within 6 months.



(Persimmon Homes)


Application GRANTED conditionally subject to the following:


  1. The completion of a S106 with the applicants, based on the scale and nature of provision and the requirements as indicated in Documents 2 and 3 detailed in the committee report. These requirements are seen as essential to adequately reflect local planning policies, the Plymouth City Council Core Strategy and NPAAP planning policies and proposals as indicated in this report.


  1. The planning conditions (as outlined in document one) including an additional condition regarding the extent of the proposed Devon Bank and associated tree planting at the eastern end of the site.


  1. Delegated authority to refuse if the S106 is not completed within six months of 20 January 2011.


(Councillor Mrs Stephen’s proposal regarding the Devon Bank and associated planting, seconded by Councillor Browne, was put to the vote declared carried.)


(Councillor Mrs Foster and Councillor Wheeler declared a personal interest in the above item.)


(At the invitation of the Chair the committee heard from Councillor Leaves, ward member, in support of the application.)


(At the invitation of the Chair the committee heard representation against the proposal.)


(At the invitation of the Chair the committee heard from the applicants agent.)


(The attention of Committee Members was also drawn to the confidential report referred to in minute 81 below.)



Supporting documents: