Agenda item


The Head of Capital and Assets will provide an update on the relocation of the Register Office to Pounds House.


Councillor Ian Bowyer, Cabinet Member for Finance, People and Property and Chris Trevitt, Head of Capital and Assets provided a verbal update on the Relocation of the Register Office to Pounds House. Councillors were informed that –



a traffic impact assessment of Outland Road was commissioned, however, due to the school summer term holiday the assessment was not carried out until schools had returned and the results were only returned on 14 September 2011;



the assessment reviewed three junctions on Outland Road, two existing junctions and one potential future junction between 7am and 7pm on a weekday, as, these being the busiest times for Outland Road;




a summary of the findings revealed that –




the relocation of the Register Office would produce no new journeys;




existing access to Pounds House was deemed not to be a problem as the traffic flow was slow;




the additional traffic to Pounds House was deemed not to be a problem as the traffic would be outside of the busy traffic hours;



in terms of traffic issues, the conclusion of the traffic impact assessment revealed that the relocation of the Register Office was a viable proposal.


It was commented by councillors that –



the traffic impact assessment should have been undertaken on a Saturday afternoon to incorporate increased traffic flows for visitors to Home Park, particularly as this was the most likely day for the Register Office to host weddings;



the traffic impact assessment should have incorporated the likely increase in traffic on Outland Road when the Life Centre opens to the public;



the recent bus timetable information for services on Outland Road, that was emailed to councillors, had not been accurately completed, with Councillor Murphy informing the panel that the research she had undertaken had been conducted from all publicly available information and had established the following inaccuracies –




it was reported there were seven services, when in fact, there were only six, as the school bus at 08:25 and 16:02 was the same service;




the 16B service did not commence until 18:40 and the Register Office opening hours was 9am – 5pm;




the First Great Western Park and Ride Service only stopped at the Park and Ride stop and not close to Pounds House;




the service 35 (Ham – City Centre) stopped on Peverell Park Road every 15 minutes and this was not included in the survey;



as the traffic impact assessment did not include Saturday’s and the bus timetable information was inaccurate both should be revised with the information provided at a future meeting, however, as the project had an impact on budgetary savings the process should be accelerated.


In response to questions raised it was reported that –



the project would not be taken further until the scrutiny process had been satisfactorily completed;



if the Traffic Impact Assessment had been completed on a Saturday it would not have incorporated rush hour traffic on a weekday morning or evening.


Agreed that –



the traffic impact assessment results submitted on 14 September 2011 be emailed to all members;



the provisional Support Services OSP meeting on 27 October 2011 be activated to further scrutinise the relocation of the Register Office to Pounds House;



an Equalities Impact Assessment should be undertaken and submitted to the meeting on 27 October 2011;



a more comprehensive Traffic Impact Assessment should be completed and submitted to the meeting on 27 October 2011.