Agenda item


The Overview and Scrutiny Management Board will receive an update from the Leader and Chief Executive on current Council and City issues.


The Chair welcomed the Leader and the Chief Executive who were in attendance to report on current City and Council issues, which included -


  • Americas Cup – Plymouth had successfully played host to this prestigious yachting event which had attracted thousands of spectators to the Hoe and surrounding foreshore;
  • Inward Investment - a team of 50 representatives had recently visited the City to see what Plymouth had to offer;
  • British Arts Show - the City was current host to the 7th British Arts Show with exhibitions on display at five different venues from 17 September to 4 December 2011;
  • Life Centre – works continued to progress well with the development overall and the hi-tech, state-of-the-art fitness suite was very impressive.  Members were encouraged to make arrangements to visit the development;
  • Plymouth Argyle – the Council had offered to consider purchasing back the ground should it become a factor in saving the club.  Any sale would be subject to an open market bidding process;
  • Terms and Conditions – agreement had now been reached with all of the unions following eight months of difficult negotiations.  This agreement will help achieve the £18m worth of savings required from the employment budget over the next three years;
  • Senior Management Structure – a report proposing changes to the Senior Management Structure would be presented to City Council in October.


Members commented that –


  • they had concerns about the accuracy and consistency of some of the information being provided following departmental restructures, particularly in Children’s Services where some staff were appearing on more than one structure chart – this was something that was currently being pursued through the Children and Young People’s Overview and Scrutiny Panel;
  • it would be helpful to know the timescale for the senior management structure;
  • lessons could be learned from the America’s Cup, particularly with regard to the co-ordination of different events in the City.  Identification of a nominated lead officer within the Council for such events would help Councillors with any queries or issues they may have;
  • sight of the economic gain to the City from the America’s Cup would be welcomed, including a breakdown of what it actually cost the City to host the event;
  • whilst an opportunity to visit the Life Centre was welcomed, it appeared visits were  currently restricted to being accompanied by Councillor Bowyer;
  • the opposition had submitted a motion on notice to City Council back in January to buy back the ground from Plymouth Argyle;
  • the de-recognition and subsequent recognition of Unison may have damaged the Council’s reputation;
  • the Forward Plan often included new items at short notice with tight timescales for decision-making.


In response to comments/questions raised Members heard that –




the concerns raised in regard to the restructure of children’s services had been noted and an undertaking given to investigate the matter;




Plymouth had had just six months to prepare for the America’s Cup whereas most countries had a two-year lead-in period.  It was acknowledged that mistakes had been made and it was important that lessons were learned for future events.  A designated point of contact for Councillors was something which could be considered;




Plymouth Argyle had not been in administration back in January and the value of the ground had been estimated to be £7m – it was now considerably less.  Any decision to buy back the land would be subject to approval by City Council;




there were a number of people (both from within and outside of the authority) who had been supportive of the action taken to de-recognise Unison.  Ultimately, the action taken had helped the situation and got the union to support the wishes of its membership;




Cabinet was often in the difficult situation of having to make decisions quickly and the Forward Plan reflected this.  However, the work of scrutiny was appreciated and it was acknowledged that, as an organisation, the authority could do better in terms of pre-decision scrutiny.


Agreed that responses be provided in writing to Members of the Board in respect of -




the economic gain to the City from the America’s Cup, including a breakdown of what it actually cost the City to host the event;



visits to the Life Centre being restricted to parties only accompanied by the Cabinet Member for Finance, Property and People.