Agenda item


The panel will receive the Culture, Sport and Leisure Programme Director’s report on the progress of the Plymouth Life Centre and leisure related projects programme together with an overview from the leisure contractor.


The Director for People submitted an update report on the Plymouth Life Centre and leisure related projects programme. The Director for People, the Cabinet Member for Community Services (Safer and Stronger Communities and Leisure, Culture and Sport) and the Programmes Director outlined the following main areas –



Plymouth Life Centre –




practical completion of the building was reached on 27 February 2012 following a huge concerted effort from Balfour Beatty; 




there was an issue with the ‘cage’ to the northern elevation of the building which created a whistling noise, under certain wind conditions; Balfour Beatty was working with their acoustic consultant to provide a solution to this problem;




the levels of asbestos in the Mayflower Centre and Central Park Pool would be assessed prior to its removal and disposal;




works to reinstate and landscape these areas would be completed within six months; the reinstatement works would result in the temporary spoil heaps located in Central Park being used to remodel the areas where the existing buildings were being demolished;



Leisure Management Contract –




the Plymouth Pavilions Leisure Pool, the Mayflower Centre and Central Park Pool would close on 18 March 2012;




staff from the Plymouth Pavilions Leisure Pool, Mayflower Centre and Central Park Pool would transfer to Everyone Active (in accordance with the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006) on 19 March 2012;




Skate Park




the stake park was now fully open and operational.


The Cabinet Member for Community Services (Safer and Stronger Communities and Leisure, Culture and Sport) provided details of the opening of the Plymouth Life Centre.  Local clubs and governing bodies were being invited to show case their sports. Activities would be free on Saturday 24 March 2012 (vouchers would be required to use the facility on Sunday 25 March 2012).


The following responses were provided to questions raised by the panel –




planning permission had been granted for the demolition of the Mayflower Centre and Central Park Pool which would commence following the assessment and removal of asbestos;



Balfour Beatty was currently working on a design solution to the whistling noise emanating from the ‘cage’ on the northern side of the building;




a written response would be provided to the panel regarding the outcome of the detailed discussions relating to the carer’s leisure pass;



a written response would be provided to the panel regarding whether both the Mayflower Centre and Central Park Pool would be cordoned off as one area, or separately in order for the demolition works to commence; details of the demolitions were also required;



a written response would be provided regarding whether the road works along Outland Road could be completed in time for the opening of the Plymouth Life Centre;



the permanent traffic lights at the entrance/exit of the park and ride site would be operational by this afternoon;



320 parking spaces were available in the Plymouth Life Centre dedicated car park which on the opening days would be marshalled;  the park and ride car park would be used an over flow facility; (Plymouth Argyle Football Club would be playing away); it was anticipated that visitors would use public transport, including the park and ride service;



discussions would continue with the bus companies regarding the  provision of services to the facility on the opening days;



following criticism of the visitor centre within the Mayflower Centre the levels of staffing had been increased, additional terminals had been opened and a more comfortable waiting area had been installed;



the Football Association had made the decision not to invest in the Plymouth Life Centre, as they considered facilities in the area were adequate; football could be accommodated within the one third of the sports hall;



contingency plans had been put in place in consultation with the Council’s partner agencies regarding the planned protest;



the Plymouth Life Centre had been delivered under budger.


Supporting documents: