Agenda item


To receive questions from and provide answers to the public in relation to matters which, in the opinion of the Lord Mayor, are about something the Council is responsible for or something that directly affects people in the city, in accordance with Part B, paragraph 11 of the Constitution.


Questions, of no longer than 50 words, can be submitted to the Democratic Support Unit, Corporate Services Department, Plymouth City Council, Civic Centre, Plymouth, PL1 2AA, or email to Any questions must be received at least five complete working days before the meeting.


One question had been received from a member of the public in relation to a matter which in the opinion of the Lord Mayor, was relevant to the business of the meeting, in accordance with paragraph 10 of the Constitution


Question No

Question By

Relevant Cabinet Member


1 (12/13)

Mr F Sharpe

Councillor P Smith

Plymstock Swimming Pool

Please could it be disclosed when Plymstock residents were consulted by the City Council regarding having a possible Plymstock Swimming Pool connected to Sherford?



1)     The local planning policy document for this area clearly sets out the need for Sherford to provide a Sports Hub north of Elburton incorporating a swimming pool and the policy document was the subject of extensive public consultations for three years between 2005 and 2007 during which a range of public comments were carefully considered.  


        The local planning policy is the North Plymstock Area Action Plan and the issues and Options public consultation on the required planning policies for the area took place between the 7th March and 18th April 2005.


        Having considered public comments the next stage was to invite public comment on the   Preferred Options version This took place in the period July- September 2005. The result of the public response to the question relating to the possible provision of the sports centre/swimming pool, outdoor pitches etc here to meet needs of Sherford residents and to offset any loss of playing field land due to transport proposals was 20% Strongly agree, 6% agree, 59% nil response or no opinion, 4% disagree and 11% strongly disagree.


        An Elburton Edge public presentation and exhibition took place on 19th May 2006 and the public consultation on the Action Plan ran for a period of 6 weeks from 22 August and ending on 3 October 2006.


        The planning policy was adopted in August 2007, following public examination. Hearings held on the 13 February and 28 March 2007.


It is evident that the local planning policy was adopted following consideration of public opinion and following extensive public consultations.


2)     The planning applications for the development of this area with a Sports Hub north of Elburton incorporating a swimming pool was the subject of extensive public consultations for five  years between 2006 and 2011 during which a range of  public comments were carefully considered by the relevant Planning Committees. 


        The planning applications for the Sherford development submitted in 2006 reflected the need for the Sports Hub north of Elburton. All the statutory publicity and public notices required for an application accompanied by an Environmental Statement were carried out in association with the two local planning authorities (SHDC and PCC). In addition 3 local public exhibitions on the applications were held in October 2007.


        In 2008/2009/2012 The applicant’s submitted additional information and these were the subject of public consultation and comment. The Planning Committees of both authorities considered the public views and the merits of the planning applications in 2008 and 2009. The PCC Planning Committee again met to consider the latest situation in March 2012 when the views of local people were again considered together with those of consultees (the report is available to see on the PCC planning website for 06/02036).


        The Planning Committees of the two local planning authorities (together with Devon County Council) have agreed the framework for a possible legal agreement –a Section 106 Agreement. The required S106 would ensure (amongst other things) that there would the phased delivery of community facilities including the sports centre (of a minimum of 2,140 square metres) north of Elburton and this would incorporate a 4 lane heated swimming pool.


It is evident that the Planning Committee’s decision was made following consideration of public opinion and following extensive public consultations.


In the absence of the questioner, the question and response were circulated and a written response would be sent to Mr Sharpe.