Agenda item


Questions to the Leader, Cabinet Members and Committee Chairs covering aspects for their areas of responsibility or concern by councillors in accordance with Part B, paragraph 12 of the Constitution.


In accordance with Part B, paragraph 12 of the Constitution, the following questions were asked of the Leader, Cabinet members and Committee Chairs covering aspects for their area of responsibility –







Councillor Mrs Pengelly

Councillor Vincent

Please update the Council about the bid for QE2 park and the protection offered by Jubilee Status?


Councillor Vincent had requested a meeting with officers to discuss this important issue.  He was aware that it was a complex project and wanted to ensure that members of that public could gained maximum benefit.



Councillor Fry

Councillor Vincent

Please update the Council on your position with regard to supporting the South West Devon Waste Partnership.



Councillor Vincent advised that the Partnership would be supported in the best way possible.  No further comment would be made due to the fact that the decision was currently being considered by the courts.


Councillor Mike Leaves

Councillor Vincent

Do you intend to continue to provide a new MRF facility for 2014?  Where is the funding for the project coming from?


Councillor Vincent advised that he had spoken to officers on the matter and was currently awaiting final proposals. Councillors would be kept fully informed of progress.


Councillor Sam Leaves

Councillor Vincent

Would the glass recycling doorstep collection continue and where would the funding come from?


Councillor Vincent advised that the pilot would continue and that like all pilot projects the outcome will be reviewed and if successful enough would continue and be extended.  Councillor Vincent undertook to provide Councillor Sam Leaves with information on how the project had been funded.


Councillor Jordan

Councillor Vincent

Are the new refuse vehicles working well and providing good value to the public?  Where has the funding for these vehicles come from?


Councillor Vincent advised that he had received no feedback to say that the vehicles were not working.  Councillor Vincent reminded Councillor Jordan that he was sure he would know about the finances due to his previous position on the Cabinet.


Councillor Darcy

Councillor Vincent

Do you intend to continue the refurbishment of West Hoe Pier?  Where is the funding coming from?


Yes, work has already started on the pier and will progress.  The project was funded as part of the Capital Programme.


Councillor Mrs Nelder

Councillor Coker

Please update the Council on the progress of the Traffic Regulation Order preventing a left turn from Laira Bridge Road into Heles Terrace which has been causing problems for residents since the road layout had changed in September.


Councillor Coker advised that a delegated decision would be signed later that week.  Officers had been tasked to investigate the situation and that Councillor Nelder would receive a full written report on the process so far.


Councillor Churchill

Councillor Vincent

Please provide assurance that the waste project team would be recognised for their awards at the next meeting of full council.


Councillor Vincent provided assurance that the recognition would be given at the next meeting of the City Council.


Councillor Bowyer

Councillor Lowry

Would Councillor Lowry accept that the revenue savings that resulted from the invest to save projects funded by the Sale of Plymouth CityBus were helping to deliver this current year’s budget.


Councillor Lowry advised that the sale of CityBus receipts make up a small element of the Councils capital programme and there was  £117million that could be used as a more efficient way of delivering services than selling off our assets. The Councils Capital Programme was under review in light of the new administrations priorities and manifesto commitments.


Councillor Sam Leaves

Councillor Evans

Given the importance of the Child Poverty agenda. Why does the Leaders Scheme of Delegation for Executive Functions contain no reference to Child Poverty?


The Leader advised that there wass no delegation to any individual cabinet member because all Cabinet Members have that responsibility.  Child poverty would be considered as part of everything put before the Cabinet and as such, regardless of which Cabinet Member, Child Poverty would appearon all future reports.


Councillor Martin Leaves

Councillor Coker

Why was your proposed bus lane for Outland Road not in your manifesto?


Councillor Coker advised that it is in the Local Transport Plan 3.  The focus for the A386 was to provide enhancements for all transport modes with the emphasis on improving journey times and reliability.


Councillor Mrs Beer

Councillor Murphy

What are your plans to scrutinise the accommodation strategy and what will your priorities be?


Councillor Murphy advised that there had not yet been a meeting and it was too early to confirm priorities at this stage.


Councillor Bowyer

Councillor Vincent

 Do you recognise that your role as a Cabinet member setting planning policy conflicts with your role as a member off the planning committee where you determine policy


Councillor Vincent advised that he had been concerned when offered the two appointments and sought clarification on the matter from Legal Services and was advised that it was in order.


Councillor  Jordan

Councillor P Smith

Which libraries would be closed in order to balance the Budget?


Councillor advised that the Labour Party Manifesto gave a commitment that no libraries would be closed.  A consultation had been launched that day in advance of a full review of the Library Service to see where is can be improved.


Councillor Sam Leaves

Councillor Williams

What are your views in free schools in the City. Should the Council be encouraging the take up of free schools.


Councillor Williams advised that there were proposals for two free schools in the City which would address the need for school places.  The Council should be looking co-operatively with our partners to provide education and a paper would be coming to Council which addresses educational provision across the City.


Councillor Churchill

Councillor Coker

Please explain why new signs have been provided in some area’s of the City but not others?


Councillor Coker advised that since speaking to Councillor Churchill, he had followed the matter up and that the signs had been refused as they were – Highway Maintained at Public Expense.  Following the co-operative approach, Councillor Penberthy could purchase the signs using the community grant fund should he so wish.  Councillor Coker undertook to find out where the sign on Weston Mill came from and to provide Councillor Churchill with a full report on the matter.



Councillor Mike Leaves

Councillor Vincent

Was Councillor Vincent aware of the Central Park Area Action Plan and the £12million due to be spent over the next 12 years?


Councillor Vincent advised that the park would be landscaped in a tasteful way and include avenues of trees which enhanced the area and suited the Victorian aspect of the park.


Councillor Pengelly

Councillor Vincent

Is the landscaping work part of the bid for QE2 status. Will you come back to the next Council meeting and update Council on the progress you have made on this as this is a time limited project.


Councillor Vincent advised that the landscaping was part of the Area Action Plan at this stage.  A site visit would be undertaken in order to plan the way forward.  Councillor Vincent undertook to keep Councillors updated on progress.


Councillor Martin Leaves

Councillor Vincent

When the site visit take place would Ward Councillors be invited and did Councillor Vincent support the Plymouth Partnership who want to plant more trees at the back of Argyle?


Councillor Vincent advised that he would invite Ward Councillors if there was a need to do so but highlighted that Central Park was for the whole City not the Peverell Ward.  Councillor Vincent expressed that he would be pleased to meet with any of the organisations involved there.


Councillor Mike Leaves

Councillor Vincent

Was Councillor Vincent ready to sign the bid to make Central Park a QE2 park?


Councillor Vincent advised that he would undertake a site visit with officers He felt that it was important to work with officers and make the right decision on what should happen there.


Councillor Stark

Councillor Vincent

Please update Council on plans for tree maintenance.


Councillor Vincent advised that a programme of works was in the process of being drawn up.  75 trees over and above the number normally maintained would be maintained between now and the end of the year.


Councillor Fry

Councillor Vincent

Please clarify the difference between the Area Action Plan agreed by Council and the concept of a jubilee park?


Councillor Vincent advised that he did understand the difference but felt it important to speak to officers to allow him to make informed decisions.