Agenda item


Questions to the Leader, Cabinet Members and Committee Chairs covering aspects for their areas of responsibility or concern by councillors in accordance with Part B, paragraph 12 of the Constitution.


In accordance with paragraph 12 of the constitution, the following questions were asked of the Leader, Cabinet Members and Committee Chairs covering aspects of their areas of responsibility -







Councillor Fry

Councillor Peter Smith


Had Councillor Smith undertaken discussions personally with the Americas Cup organisation? 

Councillor Smith responded that officers had but he had not.


Councillor Dr Salter

Councillor Evans

Member Support Officer appointed. Would Labour group councillors take a pay cut to pay for the post? Why would council tax payers be willing to pay? 


Councillor Evans responded that the service was available to all Conservative councillors. The assistance would enable members to provide a better service to constituents.


Cllr Nicholson

Cllr Stevens

What were the options if a planning application was refused? Could an application be resubmitted?


Councillor Stevens responded that if an application was refused there was an appeal procedure. It was difficult to resubmit an application that had been refused.


Cllr Jordan

Cllr Coker

Why have you not put taxi marshalls in taxi ranks during the Christmas period as has been done previously? The issue had been raised by the police as a means of getting people away from the area quickly.


Councillor Coker responded that a written response would be provided.


Cllr James

Cllr Williams

What was being done to ensure a smooth transition of vulnerable children to adulthood? Did it include those with mental health disorders?


Councillor Williams responded that a booklet was being produced and scrutiny would be asked to help develop a plan.  It did include those with mental health disorders.


Cllr Darcy

Cllr Stevens

Why do you lead Planning Committee members? Would you review the footage of the committee and your chairing skills?


Councillor Stevens responded that the committee was open to wide ranging debate and councillors reached their own decision based on the evidence. 

If reviewed, footage would see other councillors behaving inappropriately.


Cllr Nicholson

Cllr Stevens

Did he accept that the way that the committee was led on the Dean Park Road application was inappropriate?


Councillor Stevens responded not at all.


Cllr Martin Leaves

Cllr Penberthy

Were neighbourhood meetings open to all to attend? Why were residents asked to complete a form declaring their sexual orientation, faith, married status etc?  



Councillor Penberthy responded that neighbourhood meetings were open to all people. A written response would be provided to the supplementary question on the completion of forms.


Cllr Fry

Cllr Stevens

Officers were recommending that the Planning Committee should be minded to refuse the Drake’s Island planning application. You have said that applications cannot be resubmitted, was this incorrect?


Councillor Stevens responded that it was not incorrect.  There was a right of appeal if planning permission was refused.  An application for Planning Committee could be withdrawn before 4pm on the day of the committee.


A supplementary question was started about the Planning Committee’s possible decision and was ruled inappropriate following advice from the Monitoring Officer.


Cllr Mrs Bowyer

Cllr Stevens

Would you review the planning scheme of delegation to refer all officer applications to committee?


Councillor Stevens responded no.  


Cllr Sam Leaves

Cllr Williams

What were the financial and legal implications of developing cooperative schools? Why was the Director for People encouraging schools to participate without facts?


Councillor Williams responded that work was in progress. She could not give financial figures as the finances were held widely, not just with the Council.  She would be delighted to invite Councillor Leaves to accompany them and suggested that the councillor read the Cabinet paper.   


Cllr Nicholson

Cllr Stevens

Councillors had signed up to the Nolan principles; how was that compatible with planning applications not being dealt with in an open, transparent and fair manner.  He asked that the matter was referred to the Constitutional Review Panel.


Councillor Stevens responded that if there was any evidence of malpractice, it should be raised with the Monitoring Officer.


Cllr Darcy

Cllr Stevens

Would you agree that the integrity of the council should not be compromised in relation to planning resources?


Councillor Stevens responded that he was confident that the integrity of the Council had not been compromised.

The Monitoring Officer drew members’ attention to the risk of defamation and advised that any allegations should follow the proper procedure.


Cllr K Foster

Cllr Lowry

Could the money spent on the Member Support Officer’s salary be spent elsewhere?


Councillor Lowry responded that the officer was seconded from another department in the Council and the salary was met from within existing budgets.  The appointment enabled councillors to communicate more efficiently and effectively with constituents.


Cllr Fry

Cllr Evans

He sought an apology for saying that someone else would do a quicker job than ward councillors. 


Councillor Evans questioned that the councillor was a faster typist.


Cllr Churchill

Cllr Peter Smith

Was it acceptable for the phone line to be engaged for an hour when trying to make a Council tax payment?


Councillor Smith responded that the councillor should have raised the issue at the time and it would have been investigated. No, an hour’s wait was not acceptable. 


Cllr Dr Mahony


What were the problems on the verification of ballot papers at the recent election?


The Assistant Director for Democracy and Governance reported that no issues had been raised by Cornwall’s Returning Officer in relation to the Plymouth verification.   


Cllr Nicholson

Cllr Coker

Could ways be investigated to reduce the numerous speeding fines along Shapter’s Way following the reduction of the speed limit?  


Councillor Coker responded that the signs complied with requirements. Two additional signs had been erected. It was under constant review and offences had lessened considerably.


Cllr Jordan

Cllr Stevens

Can you confirm that the Planning Committee gives reasons for refusal of an application? If the reasons could be addressed then another application could be submitted?


Councillor Stevens responded that reasons were given for refusal. If the committee refused an application against an officer’s recommendation then the committee gave the reasons.  Councillor Stevens was not aware of any legal reason why a further application could not be submitted.


Cllr Churchill

Cllr Smith

Rather than spend an hour on the phone trying to pay Council Tax, would it not have been better to employ someone to answer the phone?


Councillor Smith responded that the Council ought to be encouraging the use of the internet etc as dealing with such transactions by phone cost the Council much more. 


Cllr Michael Leaves

Cllr Vincent

How many leaves had been recycled this year?


Councillor Vincent responded that a written response would be provided.  


Cllr James

Cllr Coker

Do you have any idea of the money from fines for the illegal use of bus lanes?


Councillor Coker responded that there had been 18,685 notices issued. 


Cllr Churchill

Cllr Stevens

Following the deferment of a planning application for a second time, was it correct that the committee would only be revisiting the reasons for deferment?  Would the Planning Committee hear from residents on Thursday?


Councillor Stevens confirmed that it would save time.  The Planning Committee would hear from residents and would come to a decision based on the evidence presented.


Cllr Foster

Cllr Lowry

Were you still looking at the costs of management and were front line staff protected?


Councillor Lowry responded that management costs were being examined and front line staff would be protected. The details would be in Cabinet papers.


Cllr Fry

Cllr Peter Smith

Was the Big Wheel still being removed and when would it be completed?


Councillor Smith responded that the Big Wheel would remain, subsequent to an agreement being reached with the new owner. 


Cllr James

Cllr Coker

Where was the money going from the 18,000 penalty notices issued for driving in bus lanes?


Councillor Coker responded that the money would be ringfenced to the transport section.


Cllr Ricketts

Cllr Coker

Were you sure about the figures?


Councillor Coker responded that a high rate was predicted initially, numbers were falling.