Agenda item


Questions to the Leader, Cabinet Members and Committee Chairs covering aspects for their areas of responsibility or concern by councillors in accordance with Part B, paragraph 12 of the constitution.


In accordance with paragraph 12 of the constitution, the following questions were asked of the Leader, Cabinet Members and Committee Chairs covering aspects of their areas of responsibility -







Councillor Bowyer

Councillor Peter Smith

What action was being taken to engage the public and increase public support for the City of Culture?


Councillor Smith responded that the announcement had only just been made and the Council would be starting to engage with the public as soon as possible.



Councillor James

Councillor Penberthy

The numbers of rough sleepers were sought in the light of adverse weather conditions and also the support provided to vulnerable people by ways of employment or some sort of training. 



Councillor Penberthy responded that he did not have the figures for the last quarter. In the first quarter, the average number seen was 4.5 people and in the second quarter, three people.  During last year there were 20 people and five in the year before.  With regard to support, there was a variety of work being undertaken with the homeless communities including the Shekinah Mission and Harbour, through pathways.  Before the council could work in a meaningful way with rough sleepers, the priority was to find people beds and hostels. The George Street hostel provided a supportive environment with a key worker attached and the Shekinah Mission had a multi agency approach.  Homelessness was part of the eight year, £10m Big Lottery fund piece of work, led by Hamoaze House on behalf of the city to further improve multiple need. There was an on going package of work that the council was continuing to offer

A written response would be provided.



Councillor Mrs Pengelly

Councillor Peter Smith

Following the removal of the subsidy for Mount Edgcumbe by Cornwall County Council, what would be the impact on the City Council and existing schemes?



Councillor Smith responded that he was looking at options with the officers and as soon as he had an answer he would contact her. He also undertook to meet with the Plymouth members of the joint committee before the next joint committee meeting.



Councillor Beer

Councillor Evans

The lift in the Theatre Royal car park had been out of order since before Xmas. When would it be reinstated?  It had been reported to her and could have an impact on income.


Councillor Evans asked when Councillor Mrs Beer had reported the fault.  He advised that there was adequate parking for blue badge holders on other floors. He asked the officers to respond with the scale of the problem and the plans to ensure that the lift was working properly.

A written response would be provided.



Councillor Foster

Councillor Lowry

Was the management structure being reviewed to reduce the budget and maintain frontline services?



Councillor Lowry responded that a review was being undertaken of all of the management levels and employees.



Councillor Darcy

Councillor Peter Smith

What indicators would determine the success or otherwise of the webcast trial?  Were the 191 views, unique figures or did they include those viewing from inside the council and would the success be based solely on the viewing figures?


Councillor Smith responded that he would provide the figures and that there had been 191 viewers this afternoon.  The figures were unique as the council had only one IP address for all those viewing from inside.  With regard to the determining factor, the viewing figures were being monitored

A written response would be provided.



Councillor  Jordan

Councillor Peter Smith

Why had the council stopped flying the Union Flag from the Civic flag pole outside the Guildhall?  


Councillor Smith responded that he was unaware of the position or any change of policy and advised that the Union Flag was currently flying on the Council House.



Councillor Churchill

Councillor Evans

With the current bad weather, where were the snow wardens promised in the Labour Party manifesto?  How many people had volunteered to date?


Councillor Evans responded that volunteers had been requested at ‘Have your say’ meetings.  When enough volunteers had come forward, a training programme would be put in place.  If anyone wished to volunteer, they should contact Councillors Coker or Evans and they would pass on the details to the appropriate person.

He was not aware of the number of volunteers to date.



CouncillorDr Mahony

Councillor McDonald

In order to mitigate the cost of Frank Cowl House, would she consider the possibility of using it for respite care? This would also provide benefits for the remaining resident of Frank Cowl House and would be more economical, particularly if some funding was provided.


Councillor McDonald responded that she could not discuss details about individual residents.   Running costs had been reduced on Frank Cowl House and put into front line services. The council’s policy that no-one would be forced to move out was reiterated.  She was making every effort with regard to reablement prevention.


She also confirmed that it was the council’s policy to enable people to stay in their own homes for as long as possible.



Councillor Martin Leaves

Councillor Evans

Which council department issued sandbags because when properties were flooded the residents could not obtain any bags?



Councillor Evans responded that he was not sure if it was Councillor Coker’s responsibility but would find out and let him know. Councillor Vincent had spent time with agencies with regard to flooding however there had been a 22 per cent cut in flood defence funding.

A written response would be provided.



Councillor  Nicholson

Councillor  Lowry

He had heard comments from Councillor Evans about the council wanting to spend more money, why was a larger council tax increase not being proposed? Council had the ability to have a public debate and to use existing powers to increase the council tax further.


Councillor Lowry responded that the council had a budget deficit.  If the council raised the council tax by two per cent it would raise £2m.  The deficit was £18m.   He was proposing a two per cent increase.


Councillor Lowry was prepared to have the debate about a higher rate but considered that two per cent was appropriate.  If councillors wished to have a higher increase and contacted him, he would be happy to have discussions.



Councillor  Monahan

Councillor  McDonald 

With the well publicised Trades’ Union opposition to changes to adult social care, how did she overcome and negate the comment before the Cabinet meeting calling it ‘mission impossible’?  Did she think that the consultation would be successful?


Councillor McDonald responded that she had spoken with the Trades’ Union members outside the Council House and said that, in respect of Adult Social Care, the council was being asked to accomplish ‘mission impossible’ because it  was being expected to do more for less. Through the officers, she was currently consulting, negotiating and discussing concerns with the unions. (She was a member of the GMB) The use of the whistle blowing legislation was also being encouraged. The consultation would be successful and officers were looking at ways to ensure the use of the best organisations to provide services.



Councillor  Jordan

Councillor Vincent

Why was it acceptable to use a potentially offensive acronym with negative connotations to promote the Plymouth Plan?


Councillor Vincent responded that he was working with young people and they used this sort of phrase



Councillor  Bowyer

Councillor Peter Smith

When looking at the figures on webcasting please could he be advised of the current yearly expenditure?



Councillor Smith responded that every £500 spent was published on the website. 

A written response would be provided.



Please note that questions, answers, supplementary questions and supplementary answers have been summarised.