Agenda item


The panel will receive for its information a copy of the Social Fund Replacement Task and Finish Report.


The panel received for its information a copy of the task and finish group report into Social Fund Replacement.  The Chair took the opportunity to thank all of those involved in the review.


Agreed that -




the report be recommended to the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board subject to the following amendments –


·         the removal of the last sentence in the introductory paragraph at 1.1 and replacement with “With rising living costs and reductions in income to some families in Plymouth as a result of Welfare Reform, together with a shift in Government policy on welfare distribution; this council will be forced to make tough decisions on how increases in demand, on an already stretched service, will be managed”;

·         the removal of the first bullet point from recommendation R5 and replacement with “that the limit for crisis loans be set at one claim in a 12-month period with any subsequent applications being considered in exceptional circumstances only and on a case by case basis”;




Steve Meakin, co-opted representative for the purposes of the task and finish group be invited to serve as a co-opted representative on the Customers and Communities Overview and Scrutiny Panel;




letters of thanks would be sent to all of the witnesses who participated in the review.


Supporting documents: