Agenda item

CORPORATE PLAN 2014 - 2017

To receive the draft Corporate Plan 2014 – 17 for consultation.


The Leader, Councillor Tudor Evans and the Chief Executive, Tracey Lee, provided the Board with an overview of the Corporate Plan 2014-2017.


The Board was informed that –



the plan was specifically a document about delivery and not just aspirations and would help to shape the council and ensure it was fit for purpose during a changing financial climate;



the plan was a succinct document that would be supported by other plans and documents and would collectively set out what services needed to be provided and how this would happen;



 it was vital that there was a clear connection between the vision, outcomes, actions and service plans;


In response to questions raised it was reported that –



the aim of the Corporate Plan was to specify the type of authority that Plymouth wanted to be and how it would achieve its goals and aspirations.  Specifics regarding resources would be detailed in the Medium Term Financial Plan;



the Corporate Plan was a business plan which would be closely monitored; it was important that the correct measures were in place to improve performance;



it was recognised that engagement with the local community was important to achieving best outcomes for the city however it was considered that scrutiny would take an active part in this;



the role of partners was equally important in allowing the Council to meet its objectives; engagement with the Local Strategic Partnership, One Plymouth and other local organisations and groups would have a great influence in the direction of the city and would help to ensure that the best possible service was delivered;



Members of the senior management team had been tasked with visiting teams across the council to ensure staff were engaged with the Corporate Plan and understood the values; 



the Council’s role within the Local Economic Partnership was crucial in supporting the aspirations of local communities; it was important to advertise that ‘Plymouth is open for business’;



Officers were confident that tasks and objectives set were achievable; Plymouth was in a strong position as it was below the national average for unemployment, visitor numbers were increasing and the delivery of homes and jobs would be contained within the Local Economic Strategy;


The Board unanimously agreed -



the Co-operative Scrutiny Board’s future role in scrutinising the Council’s decision making and performance in the context of the strategic direction as set out in the Corporate Plan;



to provide a democratic conduit for the voice of citizens and to provide assurance that the voice of citizens is heard within service design, strategic and financial planning;



to understand the values and the objectives as set out in the Corporate Plan and take them into account in their own roles when challenging decision making and assuring performance;



to identify and agree how the Co-operative Scrutiny Board will deploy co-operative review groups to scrutinise the delivery of the plan;



to agree the Co-operative Scrutiny Board’s approach to scrutinising a 3 year budget rather than the previous one year cycle as part of the annual budget scrutiny process.








Supporting documents: