Agenda item


The Deputy Leader, Councillor Smith will provide the Board with an overview of his portfolio.


The Chair welcomed the Councillor Peter Smith (Deputy Leader) together with Paul Barnard (Assistant Director for Planning Services), David Draffan (Assistant Director for Economic Development), Tim Howes (Assistant Director for Law, Democracy and Governance), Alison Mills (Head of HR (Corporate Functions)), Andrew Stevens (Assistant Director for Customer Services) who provided a brief overview of the current areas of work being undertaken, which included –



over the last 12 months Heritage and Arts had focussed on a step change in the delivery of the highest quality events and cultural programme for the city, which included – 





bidding for the United Kingdom City of Culture;



sixteen major events including the Route des Princes;



the city’s most successful marketing and PR campaign reaching 120m people and generating £2.2m of advertising value; this included advertising the national fireworks competition on  the ‘One Show’;





the focus over the next 12 months for Heritage and Arts, would include -





the development of the History Centre (bidding for £12m of Heritage Lottery Funding) and a cultural road map to Mayflower 2020 (working with the Culture Board);



60th anniversary of D-Day; 100th Anniversary World War 1 and the 350th anniversary of the Royal Marines;






the Sports Development Unit had played a significant role in developing and promoting sport opportunities across the city and currently delivered a number of national initiatives which included Sportivate, summer arts college, breeze cycling and Mars just play football; key achievements of the past 12 months included –





Quest and Customer Service Excellence accreditation;



twenty per cent of sports development attendances were from people from deprived neighbourhoods;



£200k of external funding brought into the city through the Unit’s support;





work being undertaken within the library service which included –






the Plan for Libraries (the service’s strategic plan) would outline the foundations of the service’s development over the next three years and would include an action plan;






discussions had commenced relating to how the History Centre would relate to the collections of rare books and historical materials;






over 4000 children and young people had taken part in this year’s national summer reading challenge (Creepy House);






a sum of £15,000 had been given to the service to increase the amount of information it provided to businesses in the city;





work currently being undertaken with Customer Services, which included –






Call Centre



25,000 calls and 2,500 emails per month;



95 per cent answer rate;



80 per cent of calls answered in 20 seconds;






First Stop



3,000 visitors per month;



98 per cent customer satisfaction level;






Transaction Centre



88.6 per cent of invoices paid within 30 days;



69.8 per cent of invoices to small and medium enterprises were paid within 15 days;





key achievements in Customer Services included -






fourth year in achieving Customer Service Excellence;



two shortlisted finalists in South West Contact Centre Forum Awards and PCC Star Awards;





work currently being undertaken in HR which included the -






recruitment of 74 apprentices;



reduction in sickness to 8.22 days per full time equivalent post (target set at 8.49 days);





work currently being undertaken in Risk and Insurance/Legal Services, which included -






the introduction of the claims portal;



the successful response by Emergency Operations to the Short Sermon Exercise;





work currently being undertaken in Electoral Services, which included -






a corporate campaign to promote electoral registration;



the annual preparation of Register of Electors;



a review of polling districts, places and stations;





work currently being undertaken in Registration Services,which  included -






improvement of the environment at the Register Office to celebrate life events;



celebratory ceremonies in a number of locations around the city;



provision of an online certificate application;





work currently being undertaken in ICT, included -






the roll out of Lync, Win 7, hot desking, smart meeting rooms and video conferencing to over 70 sites;



the delivery of public health integration at Windsor House which involved 184 staff.


In response to questions raised by the Board, it was reported that –



the Deputy Leader undertook to look into the provision of a telephone in the scrutiny resource room;




in September 2013 there had been 2.5 per cent of abandoned calls relating to adult social care issues; (the total percentage of abandoned calls was 3 per cent, which was low in terms of industry standards);




with regard to the paperless office initiative, which had been trialled by the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board, the Windows 8 tablet was currently being reviewed;




there were currently 30 vacancies for apprentices and it was anticipated that additional apprentices would be recruited to assist with the transformation programme;




Board members would be advised whether the call centre could return abandoned calls relating to Adult Social Care.


The Chair thanked the Deputy Leader and officers for attending the meeting.