Agenda item


The Cabinet Member for Cooperatives and Community Development will provide an overview of his portfolio.


The Chair welcomed Councillor Penberthy, Cabinet Member for Co-operatives and Community Development, who provided an overview of the current areas of work, which included the following key areas –



Plymouth Energy Community -





an independent residents’ co-operative had been established in June 2013 which was working to combat fuel bill rises through its community switching scheme and keeping people’s homes warmer through its insulation programmes;





co-operative housing -





a ‘Self-Build Champion’ had been identified who had contacted a number of households who were keen to develop self-build housing and who were identifying Council sites to support sel-build homes in the City;





social enterprise development -





the Council had achieved Social Enterprise City status in October 2013 (one of the first to do so in the country);



two major social enterprises had helped to secure over £9m of funding (Ocean Studios and the Millfields Trust);





new Community Economic Development Trust -





a CEDT steering group had been formed in October 2013 which comprised of 11 residents, four councillors and one business and held its first meeting in December 2013;



an option appraisal of 10 assets for the CEDT to inform income generation and investment opportunities had been completed;





community use of assets –






a new Community Asset Transfer Policy had been adopted by Council on 10 June 2013, which outlined how the Council’s co-operative values could be imparted across communities by encouraging community groups or organisations to acquire Council owned buildings under asset transfer;





communities and community cohesion –






the implementation of the new Community Covenant had secured approximately £350m funding for community projects;



the newly opened credit union shop in Frankfort Gate had seen an increase in footfall of 40 per cent;





child poverty –






a learning, skills and employability group had been set up to challenge youth unemployment and the rising number of not in education, employment or training (NEETs) within the City;



the Children’s Partnership and the Children’s Clinical Commissioning Partnership had commenced a review of the mental health services due to their known impact on employability;





community safety and anti-social behaviour –






a range of community safety initiatives had been launched such as the designated driver (pledge 17);



closure of the first crack house on owner occupied premises;





housing options and homelessness -






the commissioning of an on-site provision in the housing options service that offered advice and support on welfare rights, debts and budgeting skills;



the successful implementation of ‘no second night out’ initiative for rough sleepers;





private sector housing and housing renewals -






the waiting times had been reduced by 50 per cent for the Disabled Facilities Grant (10 months reduced to five months on average);



working in partnership with the Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service and landlords to increase the level of provision of mains powered smoke detectors;





neighbourhood regeneration –






service provider and resident listening events had been organised in Barne Barton; a resident led neighbourhood forum had been set up to progress the neighbourhood plan;



a resident led Big Local steering group had been set up in Whitleigh to oversee the Lottery £1m Big Local programme.


The Chair thanked Councillor Penberthy for his comprehensive overview of his portfolio.