Agenda item


Members will be provided with a presentation on the Local Development Framework Annual Monitoring Report.


 Paul Barnard, Assistant Director for Strategic Planning and Infrastructure, provided Members with an update on the Local Development Framework.


Members were advised that –



the Local Development Framework Authority’s Monitoring Report was produced annually;



the Community Infrastructure Levy was formally adopted in April 2013 and came into effect on I June 2013 and Plymouth was one of the first group of authorities to adopt it;



the Derriford and Seaton Area Action Plan was submitted to the Government in December in December 2012; in August 2013 the Council received the Inspector’s report detailing that the AAP had been found ‘unsound’;



the review of the Core Strategy and planning for the Plymouth Plan took place between October 2012 and June 2013 with over 30 sofa events  held around the city;



the number of planning applications for major developments has increased to 111which compares favorably to other big cities;



planning application appeals were at a similar level to 2011/2012 with 28 appeals and appeals performance having improved with 75% wholly or partly agreed by the Inspectorate;



in 2012/13 the Council negotiated £3m for planning obligation contributions from developments recently completed or under construction and had so far received £2.3m of which £217,000 had been spent on schemes in neighbourhoods or on citywide projects;



28 of the 40 Core Strategy targets had been met or were on-track;



housing delivery was approximately two years behind where they expected to be in terms of figures; there was a gradual increase in numbers of homes being built since the recession;



the economic crisis and lack of availability of grant funding has seen the number of affordable dwellings built decrease from the record numbers in 2012/11 although overall 36% of all new homes delivered since the start of the plan had been affordable, above the Core Strategy target;



in the years up to 2009, 83% of new homes were flats (mainly one and two beds) producing an average density for new developments of 131 dwellings per hectare;




since 2010 the type of dwellings completed show a more balanced mix (a higher proportion of semi-detached and terraced houses, and a higher number of four or more beds) as a result of a number of large redevelopment sites - at Southway, Derriford and Barne Barton;



the percentage of Lifetime Homes target had been met for the previous two years;



the Council had seen a rise in employment land developed in 2012/13 to 3.58 hectares with the average annual amount now 4.41 hectares which was above the Core Strategy target of 4 hectares per annum;



the Council had a target of 13,000sqm for office floorspace delivery however

in 2012 to 2013, 6,325sqm of office space had been completed;



7.27 hectares of employment land development was under construction or had been delivered and 17.76 hectares had been given permission;



since September 2012 there had been an increase in vacancies at Drake Circus; it was expected that this was partially down to the refurbishment of a number of units within the shopping centre and that vacancy rates should return to normal levels soon;



overall vacancies since October 2013 were at 14.75%;  this was slightly above the national average.


In response to questions raised it was reported that –



the figures provided in the presentation related to the period 1st April 2012 to 31st March 2013;



the percentage of flats developed in the city also included figures for houses that had been converted into flats; the Assistant Director for Strategic Planning and Infrastructure would check if these figures could be broken down further in order to give Members a breakdown of house conversions;



the figures relating to Section106 monies negotiated, received and spent was a snapshot in time from April 2012;



the Assistant Director for Strategic Planning and Infrastructure would provide a copy of the presentation and confirm if the information regarding the vacant units in the Drake Circus Shopping Centre was from 2012 or 2013; he would also check the feasibility of providing Members with the data from 2013 as well as national comparative figures for 2013 and local figures for 2013.


The Chair thanked Paul Barnard for his attendance at the meeting and for answering Members’ questions.