Agenda item


The Board to consider the final template for the Better Care Fund.


Craig McArdle, Head of Co-operative Commissioning, Jerry Clough, Chief Operating Officer, NEW Devon CCG and Craig Williams, Interim Programme Manager (Integrated Health and Wellbeing) provided the Board with an update on the Better Care Fund (BCF) on the feedback received from the Local Area Team (LAT).


Members were advised that -


(a)        changes were made since the last submission to the Board and the document had been shaped by feedback received from the LAT which highlighted a number of areas for development;


(b)        the outcome measures needed to be more ambitious around delays on transfers of care which was also highlighted by the Board.  This metric had been revised to be more challenging with the aim to achieve the national average by 2015;


(c)        the metrics relating to the patient user experience was still currently blank this was because they were waiting for the national guidance.  The Dementia metric was technically robust and were still in line with what was originally planned.


In response to questions from members of the Board it was reported that -


(d)        the template had been revised and would be submitted to NHS England.  With regard to Delayed Transfers of Care the aim was to achieve 308.5 and this was a national indicator.  The Dementia rate was 47.8 with the aim to achieve 54.5 and was confirmed diagnosis.


It was further reported that -


(e)        the LAT feedback reported the need to flesh out some of the schemes to take forward in 2015/16.  The feedback received in relation to 2014/15 was very positive;


(f)         there were a number of developments planned for 2015/16 grouped around a number of themes –

·                     promoting independence;

·                     minimising delayed transfers in care;

·                     reablement, rehabilitation and recovery;

·                     quality improvement;


(g)        this was the start of the BCF process and recognise the need to further develop the schemes and monitor the outcomes.  The priorities of the Transformation Programme and the BCF sits within a wider piece of work of the integration of health and social care and that has to be the priority for the next 2 years;


(h)        the need to ensure robust governance arrangements for delivery and further work on Section 75 for 2015/16 was to be put in place and how services transform around 7 day working and the transformation of integrated of health and social care across the city would be developed.


In response to questions from members of the Board it was reported that -


(i)         with regard to end of life care this was a return to the national average and was an ambition for the next 2 years.  There was a need to look across the whole system at all the indicators to give a balanced overview and recognise the need to up skill the workforce around end of life care and the importance of meeting people’s wishes and needs;


(j)         feedback received from the LAT was helpful and feedback received from the Health and Wellbeing Board had been incorporated.  They were working with 2 Health and Wellbeing Boards and have external support to make sure everything was pulled together to ensure consistency;


(k)        the hospital was committed to working across the whole health system and ensuring pathways to care were correct.  Taking money out of the system meant designing a system which delivered the right outcomes for patients;


(l)         the BCF was largely silent on the issues of children and young people who were an important factor.  Children and Young people were reflected in the Transformation Programme and the BCF template did not allow the story of the wider work the Board had been undertaking.


Agreed that the Health and Wellbeing Board endorses the changes made to the Better Care Fund template and its submission to NHS England.  The Board would continue to monitor the implementation of the Better Care Fund.

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