Agenda item


The panel will conduct a confirmation hearing in respect of the proposed appointment of the Police and Crime Commissioner’s selection of Chief Executive and Monitoring Officer.


The Community Safety Partnership Manager submitted a report - 



on the procedure for conducting a confirmation hearing to consider the Police and Crime Commissioner’s proposed appointment to the position of Chief Executive and Monitoring Officer (as head of the Commissioner’s staff); 



indicating that the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) had notified the Chair of his proposed appointment of Mr Andrew White for the post;  




appending additional information that the PCC was required to provide to the Panel about the recruitment process,  the candidate, the criteria used to assess the candidate, how the candidate satisfied that criteria and the terms and conditions of their employment.      


The Chair welcomed Mr Andrew White (the preferred candidate) to the meeting and outlined the procedure for the confirmation hearing.   After the hearing, the Panel would adjourn to consider the appointment, in private.  The PCC would then be advised of the panel’s decision and the PCP would seek to agree with the PCC how and when an announcement would be made.     


In order to gain further information from Mr White on how he met the criteria for the post and his suitability for the role, with particular reference to personal independence and professional competence, Mr White responded to questions by members on –



the relationship between the PCC and the Chief Constable;


dealing with differing views between an elected representative and a senior professional;


difference of opinions between the Panel and the PCC


equality, diversity and human rights;


Improving poor performance in a large organisation;


improving police staff survey results on the knowledge of staff on the PCC’s priorities;


support to the PCC to meet budget cuts whilst keeping crime down;


working with partners and agencies;


implementation of the recommendations of the Centre for Public Scrutiny;


information exchange between the panel and the PCC


the issuing of OPCC reports and comments (without having regard to the wider picture);


the role of the post in mediating between elected representatives and the OPCC



At the end of the session, the Chair provided Mr White with the opportunity to add anything further and Mr White responded that this was a wonderful opportunity to work to improve community safety. 


Agreed that under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act, 1972, the press and public are excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 1 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act, as amended by the Freedom of Information Act 2000.


The Panel adjourned to consider the suitability of the candidate for the post of the Chief Executive and Monitoring Officer.


Following the adjournment, the panel reconvened and the Chair advised that the panel had had the opportunity, in private session, to consider and review:



 the Police and Crime Commissioner’s recruitment and selection process;



details about the candidate;



the criteria used to assess the candidate;



how the candidate satisfied that criteria and their terms and conditions of employment;


in order to satisfy themselves as to whether or not Mr White was a suitable appointment.


The panel had reached a decision in respect of the Police and Crime Commissioner’s proposed appointment of Mr Andrew White as Chief Executive and Monitoring Officer, and the PCC had been informed.


Following a vote,

Agreed that the Panel confirmed the Police and Crime Commissioner’s proposed appointment and recommends to him that Mr Andrew White is appointed as Chief Executive and Monitoring Officer.


Supporting documents: