Agenda item


The Chief Executive will provide an update on the Senior Management Restructure.


Members considered a report on proposals to progress the appointments to remaining vacant posts within the Senior Management Restructure.


The panel also received –



the comments of staff affected following the October 2013 consultation;


indicative information on job matching for roles based on individual consultation comments;


the role profiles for the new posts of Head of Legal Services, Assistant Chief Executive, Assistant Director for Street Services and Assistant Director for HR and Organisational Development and ICT together with the current role profiles for affected positions and employees.


The panel also considered expressions of interest received from the affected Chief Officers since the publication of the agenda and further comments made in respect of the process.


The individuals had also been invited to attend the meeting to make representations if they so wished and members were advised that none had chosen to attend.


It was noted that the role of Assistant Director for HR and Organisational Development and ICT had not been filled on a permanent basis but a secondment arrangement was currently in place.  


Agreed -



that the individual consultation feedback received from the affected Chief Officers is noted;  


that further comments received and the Plymouth City Council response to this would be noted;


that, where appropriate, selection processes were adjusted to afford all candidates the chance to fully participate;


that two expressions of interest had been received for the Assistant Chief Executive post and both individuals would be “ring fenced” for a selection process consisting of a presentation and interview questions;


that two expressions of interest had been received for the Head of Legal Services post and both individuals would be “ring fenced” for a selection process consisting of a presentation and interview questions;


the selection process for these roles would consist of a presentation and interview;


that the Council’s policies on reorganisations and our duties as an employer are noted and those members who take part in the selection process would be briefed in advance of that to ensure they had a full understanding of Redundancy Avoidance.


Supporting documents: