Agenda item


The Strategic Director for People will submit a report seeking approval to undertake a public consultation in order to respond to an application to make a Designated Public Places Order (DPPO), covering Marlborough St and the surrounding area within Devonport, submitted by the Devon and Cornwall Police.


The Committee considered the report as submitted by the Strategic Director for People and presented by the Senior Environmental Health Officer (Licensing).  Members were advised that –




an application to make a Designated Public Places Order (DPPO) had been submitted by the Devon and Cornwall Police to cover Marlborough Street and the surrounding area within Devonport;




the area indicated by the dotted line on the map at appendix 2 was proposed for inclusion within the DPPO;




the report sought approval to proceed to the public consultation stage after which a further report would be submitted to determine whether there was sufficient evidence to justify making the order.


In addition, the Committee –




noted that written representations of support for the DPPO had been received from ward councillors Coker and Kate Taylor, the latter of whom was in attendance at the meeting to offer verbal support;




heard from the Police who stated that there had been an on-going problem concerning anti-social behaviour and disorder associated with ‘street drinking’ focused on the pedestrian area of Marlborough Street.  The main problems being related to drunkenness, aggressive/disorderly behaviour, urination and littering;




considered evidence submitted in order to substantiate the application.


In response to questions raised, Members heard that –




the report before Committee today would, if approved, commence a formal consultation process into whether or not a DPPO should be introduced in the area identified.  A further report to Committee would be required to approve the actual introduction of a DPPO should that be the recommended outcome following the consultation;




the area within the dotted line had been included as there were a number of communal areas to which street drinkers could migrate once they had been moved on;




the DPPO applied to public places only and private areas were therefore excluded;




the consultation would include, but not be exclusive to, residents groups, community groups, businesses, partner agencies etc.;




a number of off-licenses in the area were selling single cans of particularly strong lager.  These were being targeted by the Police and licensing officers who would try to encourage the licensee to cease sales of these products without having to call the premises in for a review of its licence;



the success of the DPPO would be dependent upon a multi-agency approach and assurances were given that this would be the case;




no evidence had been submitted to support inclusion within the DPPO of the playing fields adjoining City College in Kings Road.


Agreed that –




sufficient evidence had been submitted to demonstrate that nuisance, annoyance and disorder was caused to members of the public, or a section of the public, associated with the consumption of alcohol in the area outlined in Appendix 2 to the report, including that within the dotted line;




the Public Protection Service be authorised to facilitate the public consultation in the specified area, as prescribed by the Local Authorities (Alcohol Consumption in Designated Public Places) Regulations 2007 in order that Committee can consider the report on the results of the consultation and decide whether or not to approve the granting of the Designated Public Place Order.


(Councillors Jordan, Dr Mahony and John Smith declared personal interests in respect of the above item).

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