Agenda item


The Board to consider the Fairness Commission recommendations.


It was reported that the Board had received the summary of the recommendations from the Fairness Commission and Richard Stephenson, Vice-Chair and Fairness Commissioner reported that –


(a)           the work undertaken by the Fairness Commission was done exceptionally well and they had listened to what the city said was fair and unfair;


(b)          the Board may want to consider the city’s response to the 85 recommendations.  There were some quick wins and consideration should be given on how to take a cohesive system leadership response rather than rely on the collation of a number different individual responses to the 85 recommendations;


(c)           the Board should look at how to utilise the systems leadership approach and consider a stewardship role in order to implement the recommendations that the city choses to be the top priority.


The following discussions and comments took place -


(d)           in terms of the system leadership, in particular around mental health in how we commission, the provision, schools, community and voluntary sector and statutory bodies all working together.  There were good examples of joint working in the city and through systems leadership could be embedded across all services to ensure good access to quality services;


(e)          it was highlighted that a good discussion took place at a previous meeting when Dame Suzi presented the interim findings from the  Fairness Commission report.  The board embraced the direction of travel and there were no surprises as to some of issues that Dame Suzi highlighted for Plymouth.  The Board needs to take a leadership role and endorse the leadership recommendations and take an active interest in the recommendations that apply to alcohol and mental health.  The Board could perhaps endorse the report and pull together a small working group to look at a number of recommendations for the Board to respond to and to ensure they get delivered;


(f)            the report had been through the NEW Devon CCG Board and they very much supported this paper and wanted to move this forward.  Health had a huge part to play in Plymouth and as one of the biggest employers with a high achieving primary care workforce NHS services would take some responsibility to move this forward;


(g)           building on the proposal of a small working group, there were a number of plans in place and the group should be asked to ensure that plans were looked at through the lens of the Fairness Commission identifying quick wins;


(h)          recommendation 6 regarding public sector engagement with communities was relevant to the board.  Engagement with communities was fundamental to ensure equitable access to services;


(i)            that work was already on-going in relation to community engagement and the Board needed to ensure current work programmes were aligned to fairness does not necessarily fit in with work of this Board and how we share this to have an awareness of that activity and progress otherwise we risk duplication or broadens out our scope so that we won’t get through the business;


(j)            there was significant activity elsewhere, the Board would take the opportunity to join things up using a systems leadership approach to reduce duplication.


Agreed that –


1.         The Board commends the Fairness Commission report and gives thanks to Dame Suzi Leather;


2.         A small working group to carry forward the work of the Fairness Commission.

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