Agenda item


Members will be provided with an overview of priorities for the Working Plymouth scrutiny panel.


Paul Barnard (Assistant Director for Strategic Planning and Infrastructure), Simon Dale (Interim Assistant Director for Street Services), Councillor Lowry (Cabinet Member for Finance) and Nigel Gooding (G.A.M.E Programme Manager) provided the Committee with an overview of priorities for Working Plymouth.


Members were advised that –



priorities for street services consisted of the Waste Management Strategy, Waste Collection Rounds and Enforcement Services;



the Waste Management Strategy would be fed through a scrutiny workshop and the Plymouth Plan process; this was a main objective for the year due to the new waste disposal point in the north of the city and the glass recycling facility;



there would be an all Member workshop towards the end of June 2014 relating to waste collection rounds for the city; the objective was to make the service more efficient;



a report was to be submitted to Cabinet in August/ September 2014 setting out how to create a more efficient enforcement service; it was the aim that powers would be shared with the Police and civil enforcement officers;



the three main priorities for the transport portfolio consisted of the citywide Parking Strategy, the future of the service currently provided by Amey and the Highway Asset Management Plan;



a lot of work had been undertaken by Officers and Councillors recently with regards to parking however an all-inclusive citywide parking strategy was required to look at current and future demands as well as the level of supply; this strategy would link in with the Plymouth Plan;



the current contract with Amey was due to expire in November 2015; alternative models for maintaining the highway would be considered;



a Highway Asset Management Plan was required to be undertaken in order to understand the condition of the highway; a treatment survey would be developed alongside an investment model;



the focus for Economic Development would focus around the delivery of the pipeline of activity and close working links between the Growth Board, Destination Plymouth, the Culture Board and the Heart of the South West Local Enterprise Partnership; work would also be undertaken relating to the refresh of the Local Economic Strategy, the delivery of the CityDeal, Mayflower 2020 and the History Centre;



the focus for Strategic Planning and Infrastructure would focus around work with the Local Transport Board, the Housing Development Partnership and One Plymouth; key issues for the department would link to city centre regeneration projects, Major Scheme and Infrastructure Bids and consultations undertaken, specifically the ‘sofa’ events;



Members would be kept informed of the progress with the Plan for Homes initiative and Get Plymouth Building;



Officers would be working on Local Investment Planning, greenscape infrastructure, neighbourhood planning and connectivity issues relating to the rail, road and air.



In response to questions raised it was reported that –



an audit would be completed over the summer months relating to the Citywide Parking Strategy; officers acknowledged that the main concentration of problems associated with parking was linked to the city centre however  a holistic approach was required to capture the variety of work undertaken by officers and Councillors relating to this subject; it was the intention that this would be completed in 2014;



increasing parking charges, therefore having a detrimental impact upon district car parks, was not the aim of the Citywide Parking Strategy; the exercise was necessary to capture the variety of information contained on parking within the city as a whole;



it was considered that the current enforcement service was required in order to empower different services to do different things; officers were working closely with the Chief Constable to bring about an increase in efficiency and to share work;



the energy from waste projected savings for 2014/15 was approximately £1.8m;



that Police approached the Council with regards to discussions around enforcement services; Officers would raise the suggestion of meeting with the Police and Crime Commissioner with Chris Singer, Chief Constable;



a series of options relating to the future of highway maintenance would be submitted to Cabinet; Cabinet would consider a range of different options including if the service should be re-tendered, or if the Council should partner with a number of authorities; it was expected that scrutiny would be able to have an input into this;



it was expected that the waste disposal collection changes would be initiated in October 2014;



Members would be provided with the Plymouth Plan detailed programme as set out in the Cabinet report;



the History Centre was currently a project title; it was expected that the final name would be for Members consideration.


The Chair thanked Officers and Councillor Lowry for their attendance.