Agenda item


Members will be provided with the Growth and Assets Full Business Case.


Paul Barnard (Assistant Director for Strategic Planning), Councillor Lowry (Cabinet Member for Finance), David Draffan (Assistant Director for Economic Development) and Nigel Gooding (G.A.M.E Programme Manager) provided the Committee with a presentation on the G.A.M.E Transformation Programme and the Growth and Assets Full Business Case.


Members were informed that –



a key element of the Growth and Assets programme focused around increasing sustainable income and more efficient ways of working creating employment opportunities, reduced dependency on benefits and increased local economic activity; it was the aim that revenue would be increased from the corporate estate by proactively accelerating the delivery of growth;



specific projects included in the programme included the acceleration of economic and housing projects as part of the pipeline of key sites; the effectiveness of services such as street services and fleet services was essential for efficiency gains;



financial benefits anticipated were £13884k total savings from the G.A.M.E. Transformation Programme from 2014 to 2017;



the creation of the Plymouth Growth Dividend, made by revenue from the New Homes Bonus, Council Tax and Business Rates, was expected to accelerate and co-ordinate economic growth and housing delivery within the city by increasing the numbers of homes and jobs.


In response to questions raised it was reported that –



officers expected to achieve targets set out within the business case and built resilience into the pipeline of projects to achieve targets; there was confidence that the business case set out realistic financial assessments;



2109 consent planning applications had lapsed in 2013/14; these figures were not added to the calculations for the Plymouth Growth Dividend;



it was the responsibility of the Local Authority to define their own assessed housing needs; this was not set by Government;



the Game Business Case did not detail how many residents of Plymouth would be housed as a result of the planned work as it was a business case which included financial information and plans for protecting the Council’s budget to deliver services;



officers would email Members with the Gross Annual Running Costs for the Commercial Estate and the Corporate Estate as these figures were not contained within the report attached to the agenda;



annual liability costs associated with the Civic Centre were reflected in the business case;



the bubble graph contained within the report did not contain job creation figures but demonstrated the pipeline of projects to capture income for the Council budget; Officers would provide Members with details contained within the pipeline;



cost benefit monitoring information would be submitted to the panel on a quarterly basis;



the New Homes Bonus scheme had been confirmed by Government for 2015/16 however was identified as a risk on the Council’s risk register;



officers would provide Members with an update on progress with the projects contained within the risk analysis table contained on page 33.


Agreed that



Members commend the Growth and Assets Full Business Case to the Cooperative Scrutiny Board;



officers would email Members with the Gross Annual Running Costs for the Commercial Estate and the Corporate Estate as these figures were not contained within the report attached to the agenda;



officers would provide Members with an update on progress with the projects contained within the risk analysis table contained on page 33 of the agenda.


Supporting documents: