Agenda item



Dave Simpkins, Assistant Director for Co-operative Commissioning provided the panel with a presentation.  It was reported that integrated service delivery would join up services to meet the needs of an individual and that it would be more appropriate to join up with a community health provider rather than the hospital because people would rather be at home than in hospital.  It was also reported that -


(a)           there was overwhelming support for a fully integrated structure pulling together into one single entity;


(b)          partners had shown a real commitment to make this work with the vision of giving people the right care, in the right place and the right time and also about saving money.  There was a need and circumstance to take this forward as a course of action;


(c)           over the last 3 years Plymouth City Council and New Devon CCG had laid out a vision and were setting the direction of travel, the delivery, bringing staff groups together, deliver better services and make efficiencies from bringing people together.  This was a the big step;


(d)          this was the glue that helps the acute and community work more effectively together to help deliver a much better services.  This gives us the platform to meet the increasing demand and we are ready to do this.


In response to question raised, it was reported that -


(e)          Health Education SW links all of the workforce development planning both regional and national and was high on the agenda for Plymouth on how we equip our staff for the future.  They were currently undertaking work on professional capabilities with the University of Plymouth to raise awareness of our direction of travel;


(f)            in Adult Social Care they were undertaking a skills analysis of staff and looking at social workers, occupational therapists, support planners to be completed in next 4 to 6 weeks.  This would give a clear view of the skills set for the future;


(g)           whilst they were not including GPs as a single entity there might a time when community care and primary care join together.  The commissioning for GPs was undertaken by NHS England;


(h)          the Care Act would be providing assessments to carers in their own right.  Carers also had needs and they were already responding to requests from carers.  The new legislation makes it more explicit that the local authority would provide an individual assessment for carers and provide a package for carers as and when necessary.  There were a number of activities for young carers taking place across the city;


(i)            early intervention and measuring outcomes on how to improve people’s health and looking at how get people to take control and manage their own health.


Agreed that Caring Plymouth fully support and commend the following recommendations to Cabinet –


Public Services are facing challenges from rising demand, increased complexity and financial pressures.  To address these concerns and improve outcomes for service users and patients, Plymouth City Council and NEW Devon CCG propose to integrate health and social care services.


The recommendations drawn from the analysis are:


1.         Plymouth City Council to work with NEW Devon CCG to develop a Section 75 agreement that pools relevant Adult Social Care and CCG budgets to facilitate the creation of a single community health and social care delivery model.


2.         Plymouth City Council to work with NEW Devon CCG to develop robust governance, contractual and financial systems that provide appropriate assurance to both organisations.


3.         Plymouth City Council works with NEW Devon CCG and Plymouth Community Healthcare (PCH) as the incumbent local community health provider, on developing and evaluating options for the integration of Community Health and Adult Social service delivery in the City by April 2015.


4.         To consult with staff, unions and stakeholders in developing the new service model.


5.         The final position to be presented to Cabinet and NEW Devon CCG Governing Body in November 2014 for decision.


(Councillor Dr Mahony was not present for this item).

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