Agenda item

Transforming Rehabilitation


Councillor Philippa Davey proposed the following motion and an extension of the time allowed for her speech was moved, seconded and agreed to allow her to conclude.  Councillor Penberthy seconded the motion.




Council notes that the Government is in the process of changing the way offenders are managed in the community including -




the creation of a new National Probation Service;



forming 21 new Community Rehabilitation Companies (CRCs) replacing the former 35 Probation Trusts; 



creating a market to encourage new providers to manage the majority of offenders. 

The Council is deeply concerned that -




despite the Probation Service being awarded the British Quality Foundation’s highest honour in 2011 – Gold Medal for Excellence - for outstanding, sustained excellence, the transformation is going ahead with a high risk that the new CRCs will not meet these standards;



there is a potential for CRCs to put profit before the best interests of the public; and questions over their expertise and experience point to delivery risks; 



the top down approach to change provides little opportunity for local influence and flies in the face of the Government’s claims to promote localism;



the significant cost of the reform will have to be met from budget that could be better directed at front line offender management;



despite Devon and Cornwall already being one of the largest Probation Trust geographical areas, and coterminous with the Police, Dorset is being added to our Contract Package Area (CPA);



Plymouth’s voice could get lost in such a large CPA and partnership working compromised;



it is hard to see how consultation feedback from stakeholders including local authorities, has influenced the proposals;



it is unclear who will be responsible for the financial risks (and any subsequent harm to the community) if a CRC should ‘go under’;



it is unclear whether there will be robust and credible measures for reducing reoffending;



there is no evidence that the changes will help address current concerns about transition for offenders between Youth Offending Services and adult Probation Services.

Plymouth City Council therefore agrees to –



make representations to the Ministry of Justice regarding our outstanding concerns;



ask local MPs and the Police and Crime Commissioner for Devon and Cornwall to similarly lobby the Ministry of Justice in respect of our concerns.‘ 

During the debate, the issues raised included –



all offenders would have statutory supervision of at least 12 months;


offenders would have supervision with one provider from the time of custody until they were reintroduced into the community;



at present there were staff shortages, sickness, vacancies and court reports unwritten with senior management spending their time on restructuring;


the services would not be joined up and CRC would not have access to the  full information;


the National Probation Service had been excluded from bidding for CRC services;


there was uncertainty as to who held the financial risk if CRC was unsuccessful;


the wasted money on IT and consultancy.

Following a request from ten councillors for a recorded vote, the vote was –


For the motion (28)


Councillors Mrs Aspinall, Coker, Damarell, P. Davey, S Davey, Evans, Hendy, Jarvis, Lowry, McDonald, Morris, Murphy (Deputy Lord Mayor), Mrs Nelder, Parker, Penberthy, Rennie, Riley, Singh, J. Smith, P. Smith, Sparling, Storer, J. Taylor, K. Taylor, Tuffin, Tuohy, Vincent and Wheeler. 


Against the motion (20)


Councillors Ball, Bowyer, Mrs Bowyer, Casey, Churchill, Darcy, Downie, Drean, Foster, Mrs Foster, Fry, James, Jordan, Dr Mahony, Nicholson, Mrs Nicholson, Mrs Pengelly, Dr Salter, Stark and Wigens.


Abstentions (2)


Lord Mayor (Chair) and Councillor Mrs Bridgeman.


The following members were absent (7)


Councillors Mrs Beer, Bowie, Martin Leaves, Michael Leaves, Sam Leaves, Ricketts and Stevens.  


The motion was agreed as follows –



to make representations to the Ministry of Justice regarding our outstanding concerns;



to ask local MPs and the Police and Crime Commissioner for Devon and Cornwall to similarly lobby the Ministry of Justice in respect of our concerns.   


(Councillors Mrs Beer, Ricketts and Stevens having declared interests in the above item, withdrew from the meeting.)

(Councillors Darcy and Nicholson declared an interest in the above item.)