Agenda item


Questions to the Leader, Cabinet Members and Committee Chairs covering aspects for their areas of responsibility or concern by councillors in accordance with Part B, paragraph 12 of the constitution.







Councillor Michael Leaves

Councillor Vincent

Welcomed the announcement regarding glass recycling.  Asked for confirmation that it had been a Conservative initiative as Councillor Singh had stated that Labour had put the plans into place.

Response: Conservatives came up with the idea but Labour had to get it right and put it into place.



Councillor Ken Foster

Councillor Vincent

Could you get a tight grip on missed bin collections in the Radford Ward and was it right that residents who suffered from sight problems had to email the Chief Executive because their bin had been missed for three weeks?

Response: we are running on Councillor Leaves programme and this has caused problems but we will sort the programme out and this will eradicate missed bins. Please come to me sooner next time you hear of this sort of situation, don’t leave it until a council meeting.



Councillor Mrs Beer

Councillor Penberthy

How much had it cost to clear up unlawful traveller encampments in the current year and had this been budgeted for?

Response: The money comes from across the Council, it is budgeted for.


Written response to be provided.



Councillor Ricketts

Councillor Coker

There had been consultation regarding a cycle scheme around the train station.  There were concerns regarding cost, issues with signage on East Park Avenue and no turning into Restormel Avenue and Glenn Park Avenue. Would local representations on this local issue be taken into account before a decision was made?

Response: Ward members were invited to engage with the scheme, the decision was taken to go out to public consultation and put on a roadshow.  Feedback is being collated for my consideration and the scheme needs to be suitable for all users.



Councillor Mahony

Councillor Lowry

Following the collapse of the Higher Home Park scheme could confirmation be given as to whether the transfer of the small area of leasehold Greenspace land attached to the Argyle Ground had happened despite building work not going ahead as planned? Could there be an assurance that consideration would be given to keeping the land as Greenspace under the City rather than transferring it to a private landowner?


Response: I can’t comment on whether building work is going ahead or not but the transfer of land would only take place subject to a successful development of land.  The planning permission that exists is for a period of five years and there is a legal obligation for the Council to keep this option open for a period of time.



Councillor Stevens

Councillor Evans

Could you confirm that you have been in touch with the Minister of State for Housing and Planning and what was the response received?

Would you agree that success would not have been possible without the Planning Department and that tribute should be paid to the Planning Officers? How would the Minister have viewed that latest figures for a 13 week turn around on planning applications was at a record 81 per cent and the fact that we have 48 major developments across the city at pre-application stage including 4576 new homes and over 350,000 square metres of new commercial space and our ability to attract inward investment?

Response: Yes I told him about plans for homes, plan for the City Centre development, key regeneration projects and progress with City Deal and the Plymouth Plan.  The Minister was particularly impressed at our ambitious targets and excellent planning application performance.



Councillor Casey

Councillor Evans

Did the Leader agree that his behaviour on social media had been disrespectful and offensive which although in his private life used twitter which was not private and the username @councillortudorevans

Response: I answered a similar question earlier.



Councillor Rennie

Councillor Evans

Did the Leader welcome the recent vote in Parliament which would help the weak and most at risk and reduced the effects of the bedroom tax.  Would he congratulate Alison Seabeck MP on voting for these changes and note with concern that Oliver Colville had not supported the change.  Would you welcome a Labour Government proposal to abolish the bedroom tax?

Response: It is disappointing that Oliver Colville and Gary Street didn’t oppose the bedroom tax when it was introduced nor support the abolition the other night.  This is a shame as so many of their Constituents suffer badly due to the bedroom tax.  I will be delivering leaflets for a Labour government and the abolition of the bedroom tax.



Councillor Patrick Nicholson

Councillor Vincent

Requested an indication of when housing land supply would be in a better position so that Planning Committee could defend indiscriminate development applications that it wouldn’t wish to support and could Councillor Vincent confirm the Council’s preference for development on Brownfield sites as opposed to Greenfield sites?  As the Planning Committee were not the last stop in the planning process when would there be sufficient housing land that the Council would be able to defend the decisions of the Planning Committee?

Response: Brownfield sites have to take priority but anyone can put an application through and you as a Planning Committee have the right to refuse it.  We have identified over 800 Greenfield sites within the City but only 40+ sites would be suitable for development.  We are protecting green sites that we have and we are looking at enhancing those sites to allow residents to make better use of them through creating recreational sites.  Green sites identified for building on are minimal.



Councillor Churchill

Councillor Coker

A leaflet produced by Councillor Singh claimed that Stanborough Road would be resurfaced yet a document produced by Amey stated that they would be repairing potholes. Please clarify?

Response: Stanborough Road was visited by the Road Master on 8 August and 30 August and thank you for contacting Amey regarding the road in April.



Councillor Martin Leaves

Councillor Vincent

What action would be taken against residents who refuse to pay the bin tax when their bin had been lost stolen or damaged?

Response: It is a payment for the delivery of a bin not a bin tax



Councillor Kate Taylor

Councillor Stevens

Following the cross party support for the ‘yes to homes’ motion could he please outline how that support had played out in terms of planning applications.  Was there a Conservative attitude of ‘yes to homes but not my ward’?

Response: We have seen a number of occasions when very appropriate housing developments have been opposed by Conservatives both on Committee or by ward members speaking at committee.



Councillor Michael Leaves

Councillor Vincent

Could you explain how the Labour party had planned to deal with the waste of the city if the waste to energy plant hadn’t been built bearing in mind that the waste transfer station previously built was only built to deal with waste for 7 years?

Response:  That is irrelevant, decision was made by you and we now have to run with that.



Councillor Beer

Councillor McDonald

Requested an update on progress at Dame Hannah Rogers for respite of children and young adults affected by the closure

Response: Dame Hannah Rogers comes under Devon Safeguarding Authority and there were no residential places there for children of this City.  There was some respite provision and alternative arrangements have been made or will be made.



Councillor Sparling

Councillor Smith

There had been a fantastic programme of Summer events in the City.  Did the Deputy Leader agree that the council had delivered a lasting legacy for everyone as communities came together to celebrate 100 years of Britain’s Ocean City.

Response: Yes what fantastic year! There have been 33 events so far this year and the Ocean City Festival going on as we speak and more events to come. We are already getting enquires about other events taking places on the Hoe and the legacy is that we will get bigger and better events on the Hoe.



Councillor Jordan

Councillor Smith

What progress had been made towards delivering the playing pitch strategy which was due to be implemented by 2016.  Would you be talking to maintenance colleagues about pitches that had not been maintained over the summer and so would not be able to be used over the winter?

Response: The playing pitch strategy is in draft form and is currently with partners being consulted on. Please send the details of playing pitches to me for my attention.  If you have any specific queries regarding pitches that you don’t feel are up to standard could you submit them to me.



Councillor Morris

Councillor Smith

Was it better that a public representative (a Councillor) used their Constituents for their purposes or that they should represent them? 

Response: Constituents should come to us, that is what we are elected for.  I would not use my constituents, that is not what I came into politics for.



Councillor Lowry

Councillor Stevens

Was he aware that the Council had recently released 27 sites and that 20 of those were on Brownfield sites (74 per cent).  Of those 27 sites 1221 homes would be provided with in excess of 50 per cent of those homes being affordable, all of the homes would be code four or above, would provide self-build opportunities, social rented homes, wheelchair accessible homes and would generate a capital receipt of £16.2 million and a new homes bonus of £9.4 million?

Response: I wasn’t aware of that level of detail but it sounds exciting. I promise that the Planning Committee will give them our normal level of scrutiny and I look forward to the debates that come forward to the Committee.



Councillor Wheeler

Councillor Coker

Felt dismayed last July to see a picture of three glum Councillors - Churchill, Wigens and Mrs Pengelly alongside Pothole Pete complaining that roads haven’t been maintained for years – did the Cabinet Member feel ashamed?  Did he feel responsible for this between the years of 2007 -2012?

Response: We have invested more money in repair of roads across the city.  Every Council across the country is being squeezed on road maintenance but we are making a stand and will continue to invest in our roads.  I don’t feel responsible for maintenance between 2007 – 2012 as the Conservatives were responsible.


Please note that questions, answers, supplementary questions and supplementary answers have been summarised.