Agenda item


The Board to receive a briefing on Local NHS Futures – Transforming Care in Devon and Plymouth previously Financial Challenged Health Economy.


Ben Chilcott, NEW Devon CCG provided the Board with an update on Local NHS Futures (previously Financially Challenged Health Economy).  It was reported that there would be 9 work streams with a strategic group to oversee the work.  The work of groups would be discussed at the Programme Board meeting on 22 September 2014.  All partner organisations to contribute financially or provide people.  This Board would be provided with regular updates.


The Board made the following comments -


(a)        this was not just about the clinical commissioning group but about retaining overview, support and scrutiny as this moves forward and would be helpful to receive regular updates to this board;


(b)        we are all actively involved in the work streams and for those colleagues not actively engaged perhaps at the next meeting a simple overview should be provided to ensure that everyone makes a contribution;


            (c)        workstream to include projects on prevention and not just a focus on the acute end but embedding prevention.


Agreed that –


1.         the Health and Wellbeing Board welcomes the breadth of this paper and requests that the work stream includes a strong emphasis on prevention.


2.         the Health and Wellbeing Board to receive further updates and request that the Caring Plymouth Panel undertake scrutiny on this.

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