Agenda item


Questions to the Leader, Cabinet Members and Committee Chairs covering aspects for their areas of responsibility or concern by councillors in accordance with Part B, paragraph 12 of the constitution.


In accordance with paragraph 12 of the constitution, the following questions were asked of the Leader, Cabinet Members and Committee Chairs covering aspects of their areas of responsibility -







Councillor Mike Leaves

Councillor Vincent

Could you confirm that you will continue to collect refuse from the rear of properties as currently done now and that you or senior officers have not given instructions to drivers or employees to change the arrangements?


Councillor Vincent responded that waste collection was being reviewed and that there may be instances where that may not be possible.  The preferred option was to maintain the service but that he was awaiting a report following the review.



Councillor Jordan

Councillor McDonald

How long should it take to pay funding grants to nurseries and was it acceptable that they were being paid two or three weeks later than they should be and were putting organisations under undue pressure, risking people’s jobs and the safety of children? 


Councillor McDonald responded that she did not know how long it took.  She was concerned if safety was being compromised and would welcome specific examples from Councillor Jordan if the timing of payments was causing safety issues for children.



Councillor  Dr Mahony

Councillor Coker

Was it reasonable that items agreed to be implemented from the Living Streets Budget on 18 June, had not yet been costed and why did it take so long as it was difficult to plan spending of the remaining amount without knowing how much had been committed?


Councillor Coker responded that he could not find a reason, however it was disappointing that if there was a particular issue, it had not been raised with him until now. If Councillor Dr Mahony provided him with the details he would look into it.


Councillor Martin Leaves

Councillor Coker

At a Living Streets meeting he was told that a councillor had come up with a ludicrous proposal to close the junction of North Prospect Road with Segrave Road. Could he be told which councillor made the proposal?


Councillor Coker responded that the Living Streets Programme was money allocated to councillors for their own ward.  The only time that it came to him to sign was either for Traffic Regualtion Orders or if there were any particular difficulties.  He was not aware of the specific issue but would look into it.




Councillor Patrick Nicholson

Councillor Lowry

Given the level of concern in local communities regarding the disposal of sites, would he allow community consultation when sites were advertised for disposal?  Did he still agree with the current policy?


Councillor Lowry responded that he was happy with the current policy.  Ward councillors had the opportunity to object.  If councillors were unable to represent their communities, he would need to be advised and he would engage with those communities direct.



Councillor Mrs Beer

Councillor Penberthy

Could she invite the councillor to visit Plympton St Maurice Guildhall and when would money be invested to bring the guildhall up to standards of those at Devonport Guildhall to allow the Civic Society to acquire the premises under the Community Asset Transfer Scheme?  Plympton St Maurice Guildhall had fallen into disrepair and the community were not prepared to take it on until it was brought up to standard.


Councillor Penberthy responded that an application would need to be made and a business case developed.  At Devonport Guildhall there had been a seven figure investment from external bodies to the community (not the Council).  There was no provision for capital investment which was why the capital asset transfer scheme had been introduced.  Plympton community groups were encouraged to work with the Council to secure external funding.



Councillor Kate Taylor

Councillor Stevens

At the next Planning Committee there would be an application for the incinerator. Was the Chair planning to hold the meeting two days before Christmas?


Councillor Stevens responded that he would not and a decision would not be forced through. It would be considered at a regular meeting and there would be no attempts to stop the press reporting.


Councillor Jordan

Councillor Coker

Could he advise how powerful the new eco street lights were? There were safety concerns and the new ones should be at least as bright as the ones that were being replaced.


Councillor Coker responded that he would provide the detail (which was on the website).  To date 6,000 new lights had been installed affecting 50,000 residents.  He had received five email complaints and one on face book.  Three of those had now been addressed by officers. If Councillor Jordan or other councillors were aware of concerns, he would be grateful if they could be forwarded to him.



Councillor Dr Mahony

Councillor  Lowry

Why were there different processes for the disposal of land surplus to requirements, mainly for housing and what were the different processes?


Councillor Lowry responded that he was not aware of different processes. He asked that Councillor Dr Mahony provide him with an example.



Councillor Darcy

Councillor Coker

Could he confirm the policy position on whether taxi drivers subject to purchase tests were reimbursed for economic loss (fares lost)?


Councillor Coker responded that he would provide the information.   



Councillor Jordan

Councillor Lowry

If there was no official consultation on many areas for sale, who did residents write to with concerns? Some sites were consulted upon and others only if an offer were received.

Councillor Lowry responded that there was a consultation exercise where there was a loss of public open space and it was advertised in the Herald.  If there was still confusion, he would ask officers to meet with the councillor and explain the process.


Councillor Martin Leaves

Councillor Vincent

Was he aware that fly tipping was on the increase around Plymouth?


Councillor Vincent responded that he was not aware of an increase.


Please note that questions, answers, supplementary questions and supplementary answers have been summarised.